The operations of the Money Market during the present week have not been characterized by any increased activity ; and the transactions have been few and unimportant. An advance of h per cent. cecurred in the price of Consols on Mourlay ; but a demand for money has since occurred, and the price has fallen back to the quotation of last week. Money is much scarcer than it has been for some time ; and a decline of 2s has occurred in the premium of India Bonds and Exchequer hills. In the Foreign Market, the principal business which has occurred has been in the South American Securities; which have all sustained our last prices, and some of the varieties have improved, especially Mexican and Buenos Ayres Bonds. In the latter description of security, which had for a long time stood at merely nominal quotations, several transactions have occurred at an advance of from 1 to I12 per cent. in price. Spanish Bonds have continued with very little variation from the last quota- tions: they are, however, rather heavy to-day, in consequence of the settlement of the Account.
The Portuguese and other European Securities are without any fluctuation of consequence. Indeed, with the exception of a little business in the South American Bonds, the transactions both in the English and Foreign Funds have been so trifling as to render any lengthened report unnecessary.
Scarcely any thing of importance has occured here this morning, and with the exception of a sale of 20,000 Consols, which has not produced any effect upon the market, the transactions in the English Funds have been trifling. In the Foreign Market, a few bargains have occurred io the South American Stocks, which are all at higher quotations. Mexican 6 per Cents. are 291 30 ; 5 per Cents. 23 24. Columbiana 26 to 261. Buenos Ayres 20 to 22. Peruvian l9& to 20. The other Securities are nominally at yesterday's prices.
3 per Cent. Consols 911 92 Brazilian 5 per Cents. 864 87 Ditto for Account 92* Danish 714 exA1 3 per Cent. Reduced shut
Dutch 24 per Cents
New 34 per Cent. Anus
991 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 40 Bank Stock shut Ditto 3 per Cent. 26 India Stock
Russian (ISM 5 per Cent... 109 Ditto Bonds
48 50 pia
Spanish (1833) 5 per Cent... 194 Exchequer Bills
47 49 pm
Deferred Stock
Belgian 5 per Cents. 1034 Passive Ditto .