30 OCTOBER 1920, Page 2

A small party of troops on a motor-lorry, escorting a

oar with despatches, was ambushed by Sinn Feiners on Friday last on the road from Bandon to Cork. Lieutenant Dickson, of the Essex Regiment, and a soldier were shot dead, two soldiers died of their wounds, and two others were wounded. The despatch-bearer escaped during the fight. On Monday a police patrol was attacked near Grange, County Galway ; three policemen were killed and three wounded out of a party of eight. We have seen no word of regret for these murders in the papers which sympathize with Sinn Fein and give much space to stories of " reprisals." It is stated by the Irish Government that Sinn Fein is finding it difficult to support the families of the rebel leaders who are " on the run." Some of the rebel funds were found and seized in a Dublin bank on Tuesday. The Irish- American agitators, apparently, do not send much money to Ireland, finding a better use for it in their own country.