Undoubtedly an explanation must be required from Mr. Churchill. Ho
must be made to tell why be, a member of the Cabinet, used this language in the message he sent to The Navy, the organ of the Navy Ledgue. Mr. Churchill, it may be noticed, ended his message--an amazing piece of gasconading rhetoric, and to be condemned quite apart from the brazen attempt to lay blame upon his colleagues—by informing us that the spirit of Nelson should rouse us now " to sustain unweary- ingly the darkening conflict, and by proceeding to all necessary extremes and laying aside every impediment [the italics are ours], rescue Britain from dishonour and Europe from ruin." We agree, and so we think will Mr. Churchill's countrymen ; but we shall not be surprised, in view of his recent conduct, if they consider one of the "necessary extremes" to which they must go to be the vacation of the office of the Duchy of Lancaster by Mr. Churchill. Such a " laying aside " of one of the " impediments " to success would be welcomed by acclamation.