30 OCTOBER 1909, Page 2

The latest news from Greece is by no means reassuring.

In its Friday issue the Daily Mail announced that Great Britain, France, and Russia, the three protecting Powers who were originally responsible for the election of King George to the throne of Greece, and to whose Civil List each of them makes an annual contribution of 24,000, are watching events with especial concern. Should King George's position become intolerable—that is, should he feel obliged to abdicate—there is no doubt that the situation would become very grave. In an emergency like the present it is a matter of congratulation for all Europe that a statesman so wise, so reasonable, and so little affected by pressure, either domestic or external, as Sir Edward Grey, will take a leading part in the shaping of events. Whatever happens, the revolution in Greece must not be allowed to prejudice the peace of Europe. Yet this might very well happen if the situation is not wisely handled by the Powers.