Is Pharaoh's heart growing hard once more ? It looks
very like it. It is difficult to believe that the Sultan actually designs to compel the Powers to use force, but he certainly does not surrender Dulcigno. Dervisch Pasha, who surrendered Batoum, has been sent there ; but according to the latest intelligence from Cettinje, Riza. Pasha keeps raising delays, incites the Albanians to resist, and even threatens the Montenegrins, if they advance upon the town. The Porte, at the same time, is protecting Smyrna with torpedoes, and calling out further rein- forcements. At Vienna and Berlin, it is still believed that Dulcigno will be given up on November 1st, Monday next, but at those places there is a strong wish that the Naval Demonstra- tion should come to an end. It appears probable that a severe struggle is going on in the Palace at Constantinople, and that the Sultan changes his mind from hour to hour, according to reports from the different capitals. He is possessed with the notion that no Power but England will use force, and that his allies, the Tories, will shortly overthrow Mr. Gladstone. We may, indeed, judge of his intelligence from the fact, stated by Baron Haymerle on Thursday, that he proposed to refuse Dulcigno, but to give Montenegro compensation out of the Herzeg ovina ! Why not have suggested Trieste