30 NOVEMBER 1844, Page 18



On the 16th November, at luchbrackie. the Lady of Major Gaastam of lachbrackie, of an heiress.

On the 18th,at Little Harle Tower, Northumberlaud, the Wife of Tisost.s ANDERsON, Esq.. of a daughter. On the 19th, at Dalkeith Palace, the Dutchess of BUCCLEUCTE, of a daughter.

On the 19th, at Fernio, the Countess Glorrucer, of a sou and heir.

Os the 22d. the Lady of Dr. Gomm., BIRD. Maddelton Square, of a daughter. On the 24th, at Nalliford, Middlesex, the Lady of Lieutenant Colonel LEONARD Coorea, eta son.

On the 24th, at Angel Alley, Bishopsgate, Mrs. MUSIF0HD, the Wife of a poor labour- ing man, of two boys and a girl.

On the 251h, at Dnuraven Castle, the Viscountess Animus, of a daughter.


On the 8th June, at Sydney, Captain E. M. O'Cosossiz, of her Majesty's Ninety- ninth Regiment, Major of Brigade to the Forces in New South Wales, to SARAH. second daughter of Major RUSSELL, of Tooliiinbar, Hunter's River, and late of the Twentieth Regiment. On the 21st August, at the Cathedral. Madras, JOHN ROBERT PRINGLE, Esq., Madras Civil Service, third sou of Sir John Pringle, Bad., of Stitchell, Roxburghshire. to HEsTER HELEN, eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel MAI.corm 111'NEtta., Madras Light Cavelry. On the 3d September, at Kurrachee. Captaiu W. Mil/Tr...Go Score 5/1•Mtrano, Seventy- eighth Regiment, youngest son of the late Colonel M• Murdo, of Loftus. Dumfries. to StaArt, eldest daughter of his Excellency Major-General Sir CHARLES NAPIER, G.C.B., Commander-in Chief in Scinde.

On the 11th November, at Aberdeen, Simos E. JACS0N, Esq., Fifty-fourth Regi- ment, second son of George Jacson, Esq., of Barton, Lancashire, to Greasily., youngest daughter of CHARLES WusCHEsTER, Esq., Advocate, Aberdeen. On the 21st, at Liangathen Church, ions PutIsi Pamir, Esq., youngest sou of Pryse Pryse, Esq., of Gogerddan, M.P. for Cardigan, to MARY ANNE, secoud daughter of JOHN WALTERS PHILrpps, Esq., of Aberglasney, Carmarthenshire. On the 26th. at St. George's, Hanover Square, Firtrai DESIRE Arstrts JOSEPH LIEBEAU, of Brussels, Officer of the Household Troops of his Majesty the King of the Belgians, SO MARIA Alarm., relict of the late Rev. T. H. Worrrocx, and daughter of James Jenkins. Esq.. of Chepstow, Monmouthshire. On the 16th. at St. Peter's Church, Guernsey, Lieutenant-Colonel TRAITOR°, of Pauthoel, Couuty of Carmarthen, to MARIA, second daughter of Jolts LE MARCHANT, Esq.. of Melrose, Jurat of the Royal Court of that island. On the 26th, at St. Margaret:a, Westminster, Captain DR.ApER, Sixty-fourth Regi- ment. to ANNE CoNsTArscr, fourth daughter of Joss Gauss, Esq., late of Hurseuclun Rouse, Bucks.

On ihe 26th, at St. Peter's Church, Eaton Square, the Rev. ALGERNON WoDEllousE, Ron of the Hun. and Rev. Wm. Worlehouse, to the Lady Ernroa AMIBURSHAM, daughter of the late Earl of Ashburnham. K.G., aud sister to the present Earl. On the 26th, at Diriden, the Hon. °Laza Wrias,us Lamsurr, youngest sou of the late Earl of Cavan. to Alms Era:Aura, second daughter of Captain WILSJUks of

Langdown, near Southamptou. On the 28th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Jaime SIIBLILD OATH), eldest son of

Sir DAM SCOTT, Hart.. K.H•, to atm iv ANNE, only daughter of HENRY SHANK. Esq., of Gloucester Place, and of Castlerig. Fifeshire.


On the 26th July, at Vineyard, Parmmatus Astra Jogrowa. Widow of Captain Pats.- LIP OWLET KINO R.N., formerly Governor of New South Wales. On the 4th November. Gcoaoa MOON. Esq., of Russel Mill, Fifeshire. On the 13th, at Lound Hall, near Lowestoft, THoMAS Moans, Esq.; in his 101st year. On the 13th, at the White Hall Shrewsbury. HARRIET, relict of the Right Rev. Sa.- Must. &rum D a, late Lord Bishop of Lichfield; in her 691h year. On the 224, Joan GUILLEMARD, Esq., F R.S. ; in his 81st year.

On the 224, at Chilliugton, the Lady CHARrorrE Grman ; in her 81st year. On the 934. at Edinburgh. Ttiostes limluEssos, Esq., Professor of Practical Astro. nomy in the University of Edinburgh. Ou the 234, at Loftus. near Gishorough, Yorkshire. Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir

Hoarier LatraiscE DUNDAA, K.C.B., Colouel of the Fifty-ninth Regiment. On the 234, at Guerosey, Lieutenant-General Sir Joan CAMERON, K.C.B.; in his

71st year.

On the 25th, at Kensington Gravel Pits, Sir Anetteros WALL Cam.cuTr, R.A.; in his

65th year. On the 25th. Lady Bares, the Widow of the late Major-GeneralSir Alexander Bryce. K.C.H. and C.11.. Inspector General of Fortilicatious.

On the 25th. at Kettering. the Rev. JAMES Hose, Vicar of Geddington, Northamp-

toushire ; in his 71st year.

On the 26th, Ursa-RR, liVidow of the late CHARLES BLOMFIELD, Esq., of Bury St. Ed- mund's, and Mother of the Lord Bishop of Loudon ; in her 80th year. On the 27th, in Norfolk Street. Strand. Mrs. Area PRILLIps ; iu tier 95th year.