Prince Louis Napoleon has escaped from the French prison at
Ham ; and is now, it is said, in London, seeking a passport for Italy. The French seem in general to rejoice at his escape ; and it is even surmised that King Louis Philippe is not displeased. Indeed, his detention in France pleased nobody ; and a carpen- ter's dress, though as transparent a disguise as any on the stage, was a sufficient pretext for letting him off. It is understood that his object is to join his aged father at Florence. May he not have an eye to commotions in Italy ; to the decayed faculties of the Austrian Emperor—the decayed faculties even of the Austrian Minister—the aspirations for the independence and 'tmity of the Peninsula, and the chances of a Napoleon Bona- parte in competing with Carlo Alberto for the iron crown ? If he does not, however, the Italians will remember that he is not the " Napoleone di felice memoria " : a worse man than the scape- grace of Strasbourg and Boulogne they could not have for any serious purpose.