A lirrge and respeatable meetiog of the t,miii • o . ..t r , ; of
Lord Aber deen's Bill respecting the admission to benetiees iu Seothind. was held on Fridev, in the Assinatily-rooms at Ediuburoh, to consider the best mewls of insuring its success. Sir It. Aberoronilty tens voted to the chair. Resolutions expressing the anxious di sire of the ineetieg that flu:. Church should be extricated from that unhappy collision in which it is at present involved with the Supremo Court of the country, and their umpintilied appoo......1 of the measure introdueed by I.ord Aberdeen, were unaninionsly carried.
Ou Saturday, the Non-Intrusionists held a mectieg in the Assembly-
moles. annul adopted resolutions and a pet iiinit Lord Aberdeen's
Bill. Lord Provost presided at this meeting.