Set by J. R. Glorncy Bolton
A recent article in the Spectator maintained that " If a wit composed a letter front Queen Victoria to her Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, he could mix trivial objection and outraged senti- ment with robust common sense and penetrating judgement. Yet by no manner of means could he make the letter ring true." A prize of .f5. which may be divided, is offered for not more than 250 words from such a letter, ringing as true as possible the subject of the letter to be either the Gambian eggs scheme, or the appointment of the American Admiral, or the recent tactics of the Opposition.
Entries must be addressed to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, in envelopes marked " Competition," and must be received not later than April 11th. Results will be published in the Spectator of April 20th.