30 JUNE 1877, Page 2

Mr. F. H. O'Donnell, some time M.P. for Galway, and

Hono- rary Secretary of the Confederation of Home-rule, was elected for Dungarvan on Saturday, by a majority of nineteen over Mr. Henry Matthews, Q.C., the numbers being,—for Mr. O'Donnell, 137, for Mr. Matthews, 118. Mr. O'Donnell, who may be said to be the reddest Home-ruler in the House of Commons, is the gentleman who recently told the Liberal party they might wait till "the crack of doom" before returning to power, unless they accepted Home-rule. And as we suspect they may wait till the crack of doom before they return to power as the advocates of Home-rule, the political look-out is not bright, either for them or for Mr. O'Donnell. The " crack of doom " was not indeed a very happy suggestion in connection with the dreams of a Home-ruler, for whatever condition of things that event may find in Ireland or elsewhere, it is not generally expected to herald Home-rule of any kind, but rather a central govern- ment of a somewhat rigid type.