30 JUNE 1855, Page 31

GENERAL GUYON, 26th June 1866.

Sta—It must be a matter of deep regret to every one interested in the success of the Turkish forces, to learn that the services of the brave General Guyon, through Turkish intrigue in high quarters, have been lost, and that too at a time when an important battle is imminent at Kars. The Turkish troops are lamenting the absence of this brave British General ; whose pre- sence in the battle-field inspired them with confidence and success, and whose judgment and courage were last year recorded in the pages of the Times, and received the general commendation of the London press.

The fame of General Guyon as a great and accomplished soldier has spread throughout Europe ; and the faculty which he had acquired of ad- dressing the Turkish army in their own tongue—a power which the present English commanders in the East are not reported to possess—is an addi- tional reason for regretting the prevailing apathy and want of forethought on the part of the Sultan's Ministers.
