30 JUNE 1855, Page 19


ADMIRALTY, June 20.-Corps of Royal Marines.-Bunver.-With reference to her Majesty's Order in Council of the 13th September 1854, the following GeneralOfficers who retired upon full-pay of their rank in the corps previously to the above Order in Council, will hereafter appear on the Retired List, viz.-Gen. W. Tremenheere, K.H. ; Gen. E. Nicolle ; Lieut.-Gen. E. Lawrence, GB.; Lieut.-Gen. W. H. Co- -nolly ; Major-Gen. J. Wright, 7tH.; Major-Oen. W. Fergusaon.

And the following promotions have taken place to complete the establishment of General Officers of the Royal Marines, under the provisions of her Majesty's said Order in Council, viz.-Baxvirr.-To be Generale -Lieut.-Gen. G. Jones ; Lieut.- Gen. G. Beatty. To be Lieutenant-Generals.-Major-Gen. T. A. Parke, C.B. ; Ma- jor-Gen. Sir J. Owen, K.C.B. KU.; Major-Gen. C. Menzies, K.H. To be Major- Generals- Col. J. R. Coryton ; Col. S. B. Ellis, C.B. ; Col. T. Wearing ; Col. J. I. Wines; Col. C. C. Pratt.

The undermentioned officers, who retired upon full-pay of the Royal Manage previously to her Majesty's Order in Council, 13th September 1854, to be promoted to • step of Brevet rank, in order to place them in as favourable a position as thane of their rank who may hereafter obtain retirement under the provisions of the eabl Order in Council, the rank in both eases being cash honorary, via.-To be Generale- Licut-Gen. E. Lawrence, C.B. ; Lieut.-Gen. Vu. II. Couolly. To be Lieutenant- General-Mejor-Gen. J. Wright, K. IL To be Major-Generals -Colonels W. Powell; A. H. Gotdon ; J. Id. Pitcher; T. Stevens ; D. A. Gibsoue ; K. Mercer; J. Robyus ; J. Walker ; J. Whslock ; G. B. Bury; David M'Adain.

June 22.-Corps of Royal Matinee-Cot. Second,Commandant H. I. Delacombe to be Col-Commandant, vice Cory ton, promoted ; Col.-Commandant .7. Ashmore lobe CoL-Commandant, vice Ellis, promoted; Col. Second-Commandant J. A. Philips to be Col.-Commandant, vice Wearing, promoted; Brevet-Col. F. Graham to be Col.- Commandant, vice Willes. promoted; Lieut.-CoL J. Childs lobe Col. Second-Com- mandant, vice Pratt, promoted ; Lieut.-Col. H. Evans to be Col. Second-Counrumd. ant, vice Delacombe, promoted ; Brevet-Col. S. IL Wesley to be (lot. Second-Corn.. mandant and Deputy-Adjt.-Gen. ; Lieut.-Col. .1. T. Brown to be Col. Second-Com- mandant, vies Ashmore, promoted ; H. A. Parker to be Col. Second. Commandant, vice Philips, promoted ; Capt..1. Mitchell to be Lieut.-Col. vice Gra- ham, promoted; Capt. T. Lemon to be Lieut.-Col. vine Childs. promoted; Capt. P. T. M. Payne to be Lieut.-Col. vice Evans, promoted ; Capt. G. Elliot to be Limit.- Cot vice Brown, promoted ; Capt. T. C. C. Moore to be Lieut.-Cul. vice Parker, promoted; First Lieut. M. Spratt lobe Capt. vice Mitchell, promoted ; First Lieut. and Adjt. J. Bence to be Capt. vice Lemon, promoted; First Lieut. 'I'. P. Casey to be Capt. vice Payne, promoted ; First Lieut. H. T. Fox to be Capt. vice Elliot, promoted ; First Lieut. and Adjt. E. L. Pym to be Capt vice Moore, promoted ; Second Lieut. A. H. F. Barnes to be First Lieut. vice Sptatt, promoted ; Second Lieut, H. B. Tuson to be First Lieut. vice Runes, promoted ; Second Lieut. G. F. Munro to be First Lieut. vice Casey, promoted ; Second Lieut. A. H. H. Welsh to be First Lieut. vice Fox, promoted; Second Lieut. A. 13.8. Shairp tube First Lieut. vice Pym, promoted.

Amentatrr. June 22.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut, A. Ellis to be Adjt.; First Lieut.. 0. F. C. Fraser to be Adjt.