WAR-OFFICE, June 29.-3d Light Draga.-H. F. G.Coleman, Gent to be Cornet by Perchase, vice Townend, who retiree. ;a Foot-Gent. Cadet W. IL Grimaton,.from. the•Royal Military College, to be Ensign; Without pUrehASS, Vice M'Carty„proinotedln the 4th Foot. Ilth Foot-To be Enslems, without purchase-Gent. Cadet W,D. Na. per, from the Roy-al Military College, vice CroOke, prornoted in the 6-941 Xac,k ; Cadetlir. FLCIeltion, from the Roy* Military College, Vice Simpson, aepoluted Quer-. termaster. 20011 Foot-Gent. Cadet C. X. Parkinson, from the Royal Military-.CoUege, • to beEnegn, "without Purchase, vice Robinson, promoted in the 734 Foot. 47th loot -.Gent. Cadet E. R..SiMmons, from the Royal Military College, to be Resign, without purchue, :vice Nangle, promoted in the 67th Foot. 5 let Foot-Major-General. Sir T. WllIshtre, Bart. and K.C.B. to' be Col. vice Lieut.-Generet Sir IL D'Urbae, G.C.B. its.' ceased. '54th Feot-Gent. Cadet IV. IL D. Clarke, from the Royal Military College, to be Emden, Without Purchase, Vice Caulfield, promOted in the 4Ith Foot. , out Feet-. -Gent. Cadet J. Radley, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without put-- chase, 'dee' Tho,livall, promoted in tire 66th Foot. 69th Foot -.Lieut. L'. Bowen. to be Capt. by ptirchaw.„. Ace Bawd, Who refires; Ensign J. L. Maclean to bit Lieut. bypur- chase, vice Bowen ; M. Bell, Gent, . to be Ensign, by Purchase, ',Ice. Maclean. :79th Foot-Gent. Cadet II. H. Stevenson, frees the Royal Military College, to be Ensign,- without purchase, vice Chalmers, promoted hi the 36111 Foot. 97th Foot-Ensign T. E.. • Jones to be Lieut. and Actg. vice Bindon, deoeased; Gent. Cadet A. IL Thistiethwayte.. from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, without purchsuie, vice Jopes. •-, _Semen oe.,things4Wa,4tine 28.-Royal Regt. of 'ArtIlleryGeilt: -enders t2Ibe S. Ileuts.-L. B. BIWA, vice Earle, promoted; T.L..,Daraes,viert Addlinnep.p
C. Carpenter, vice Vandeletir..nromoted St. John, vice Orr, postdated* Andrews, vice Rill, promoted ; F. Laud, vice P. J. Campbell, promoted ; A.11. ur- ray, vice Maude, promoted; ,J. A. P. Adams, vice' Twiss, promoted; R„.Macke vice Curtis, promotee ; R. H.-R. Rowley, vice SierwrIght, Promotoit ; W. G. Le Ai tier, vice Seale, promoted ; F. Carey, vice Boulton, promoted ; if. Heberden, -vine - Saundereon, promoted ; T. C. Molony, vice Axiketell, promoted ; G. B. "Garvey, vloe Dickeen, promoted ; A. Nohle„viee Glarke, promoted; ILL. Balfour, ,vicaPlace, pro..
motedi K..-TaYdor, vice Brace, promoted._ Corps of Royal Engineers-,Gent. Cadeta. te be Second Lieuts.-J. W. Greatorez, vice Bury, Promoted ; G. A. Hoe. vice Mackenzie, promoted, .