30 JULY 1853, Page 19


On the 6th July, at Coburg, in Canada West, Lady Poore, of a son and heir. On the 10th, at Montreal, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Hogarth, C.B., Twenty- sixth Cameronians, of a son.

On the 20th, at Attleburgh Rectory, Norfolk, the Wife of the Rev. Alfred Bowyer FanYth, of a son.

On the 21st, at Northchurch, Herta, the Wife of the Rev. Sir John H. Culme Sey- mour, Bart., of a son, still-born.

On the 21st, at Ickworth, the Lady Arthur Hervey, of a daughter. On the 22d, at Tortworth Park, Wootton-under-Edge, the Hon. Mrs. Percy More-

ton, of a daughter.

On the 22d, at Blithfield, the Hon. Mrs. Begot, of a daughter. On the 23d, in Berkeley Square, the Wife of John Martin, Esq., M.P., of a daughter.

On the 23c1, at Cranley Rectory, Surrey, the Hon. Mrs. Sapte, of a 80D. On the 25th, in Grosvenor Square, the Lady Anna Gore Langton, of a daughter.


On the 1st June, at St. David's, Bermuda, by the Rev. Dr. Tucker, Rural Dean, Charles C. Chesney, Esq., Lieutenant Royal Engineers, to Alice Wilby, fourth daughter of John Barr, Esq. On the 7th, at Candy, Ceylon, Major Franklin Lushington, C.B., of H. M.'s Thirty- Seventh Regiment, son of Sir Henry Lushington, Bart., to Annie, daughter of Gene- ral Bainbrigge, commanding H.M.'s forces in Ceylon.

On the 16th July, at Egg Buckland Church, the Hon. Leonard A. Addington, Royal Artillery, second son of Viscount Sidmouth, to Letitia Anne, daughter of Erring Clarke, Esq.. of Efford Manor, Devonshire.

On the 19th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Captain Granville Leveson Proby, Seventy-fourth Highlanders, second son of Admiral the Hon. G. L. Proby, and nephew of the Earl of Carysfort, to the Lady Augusta Maria Hare, eldest daughter of the Earl of Listowel, K.P.

On the 21st, at the British Legation at Munich, Sir Samuel B. Whalley, formerly M.P. for Marylebone, to the Hon. Harrittt Rose Trench, sister to the present Lord Ashtown.

On the 27th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Right Hon. Lord Amelius Wentworth Beauclerk, R.N., to Frances Maria, only daughter of Charles Harrison, Esq., Cambridge Square, Hyde Park.


On the 21st May, at the Burdwari Diik Bungalow, near Calcutta, Lieutenant F. A. Hook, Seventy-third N.1., eldest son of the late Theodore Hook, Esq.; in his 29th year.

On the 18th July, in Church Road, De Beauvoir Square, Kingsland, John Arthur, Esq.„'M.D., Deputy-Inspector-General of Army Hospitals ; in his 71st year. On the 23.1, at Turner's Hill, Cheshunt, Mrs. Charlotte Frances Bowker; in her 91st year.

On the 23d, at Lucerne, Catherine, the wife of Henry Cowper Marshall, Esq., and second daughter of Lord Monteagle ; in her 41st year. On the 24th, in Chester Square, Lady Whatley, widow of the late Sir Joseph Whatley, K.C.H., and of Thomas Champion De Crespigny, Esq., and last surviving sister of Peter, first Lord Rendlesham ; in her 76th year.

On the 24th, at Shirehampton, near Bristol, Wilhamina, wife of Gilbert Elliot, D.D., Dean of Bristol.

On the 25th, Charlotte, wife of the Hon. George King, of Fryer... Sussex.

On the 26th, at Estcourt, Thomas Grimston Bucknall Estcourt, Esq., late M.P. for the University of Oxford; in his 78th year.

On the 26th, at York, Lieutenant-General Sir William Waive, C.D.; in his 69th year.

On the 26th, at Thome, Minster, Isle of Thanet, Mary, relict of Henry Wootton, Esq. ; in her 98th year.