30 DECEMBER 1882, Page 13



[To THE Enivon OF THE SPECITATOR."] SLH,—I cannot but think that many of your readers will have been as much pained as I was on reading your remarks on Bishop Fraser's refusal to institute Mr. Cowgill to the living of Miles Platting. You say that the Bishop "has done all that in ?aim lay to prevent the compromise offered by the late Arch- bishop" "from being accepted thankfully," the essence of that compromise being that till the Commission has reported, "there shoals' be a truce,—no more prosecutions, and no more squabbles." How has Bishop Fraser broken the truce P In a truce, both parties are bound in honour not to move. Who made the move here ? Not the Bishop, but the patron and Mr. Cowgill, who came to him to institute the latter.

Now, it is notorious that Mr. Cowgill, as Mr. Green's curate, has been doing at least three things in the services in Miles Platting Church which I suppose you will allow to be, as the law stands, illegal,—at any rate, which have been declared to be so by the Court which has jurisdiction in these matters. Is not this so P And, if it be so, do you hold that the Bishop would have been doing his duty had he abstained from asking any question on these points, and had instituted him with a full knowledge that he was breaking, and would continue to break, the law P If so, it seems to me that you are in favour of .conduct in the case of a Bishop which you would be the first to .denounee in other men.

You speak, again, of Bishop Fraser' "forcing on his own Episcopal quarrel at all costs." What Episcopal quarrel has Bishop Fraser P Has he ever written or said an unkind word of, or to, Mr. Green or Mr. Cowgill P These are, indeed, bitter words, and entirely undeserved by a man who is simply doing a most distasteful duty. He happens to be the officer in charge upon whom it rests to see the law as it stands obeyed, and that, pending a truce, neither party to a quarrel shall occupy new ground. You say that the Solicitors' Journal is clear that the Bishop has gone beyond the law in refusing to institute a man who will not undertake to keep within it. I do not know that the journal cited is any authority, but I am very sure that the great majority of moderate Churchmen, who care as little as I do which way the mixed chalice, lighted candles, and vestments are ultimately settled, will thank the Bishop for not having ,flinched from his post at this crisis.—I am, Sir, &c., eGroeveaor Club, Chester, December 24414.