30 DECEMBER 1865, Page 3

Subjoined are the closing prices of the principal British Rail-

ways yesterday and on Friday week :- Friday,

Caledonian •• Great. Eastern . • .• • • • -

Great Northern ..

Great Western.. ..

Do. West Midland, Oxford •• Lanosahlre and Yorkshire • . • •

• • •

London and Brighton ..


• •

London and North-Western ..

London and South-Western .. •• London, Chatham, and. Dower ••I •• Metropolitan Midland •• South-Eastern •II •.•

Deo. 22. Friday, Dec. 29. 128 127 421 42 127 126 591 •• 68 33 123 1221

103 1. 102

1251 1251

1. 961 95 7 •• 371 8 128 124 •4 1231 74 •• 71/