Tuesday,Deeember 26. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-H. and J. Pullin, Horton, Buckinghamshire, farmers -Willman and Hartley, Burnley, ironmongers-Feetham and Bates, Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, builders- Wilson and Packman, Newgate Market, meat-sales- men-J. arid H. Redgate, Sneinton, Nottinghamshire, lace-manufacturers-French and Martin, Liverpool, ale-dealers-J. and T. Kenyon, Newton Bank Chemical Works, Manchester-Godwin and Co. Park Place, Chelsea, paperhanging-manufac- turers ; as far as regards S. T. Evans-J. and E. Over, Barons Terrace,. Cambridge Heath, oilmen-Smith and Co. Manchester, commission-agents; as far as regards R. Smith-T. and J. Brookes, Lymni, Cheshire, butehers-Unsworth and Cash, Liverpool, accountants. BANE EVPTS.■EDSVARD 5100113R STANNARD, Trinity Square, Tower Hill, wine-mer- chant, to surrender Jan. 1, Feb. 10: solicitors, Ashurst and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Wersox and Lemon, Bridge House Place, Newington Causeway, painters, Jan. 1. Feb. 16: solicitor; Rose, Salisbury Street, Strand ; Atrial assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Cvmmas MAIDLOW, Ade- laide Terrace, Westbourne Grove, builder, Jan. 9, Feb. 8; solicitors, Linklatere, Sloe Lane ; official assignee; Edwards, -Sambrook Court-Jogs Hata, Camden Town, Wharfinger, Jan. 9, Feb. 6: solicitors, Smith arid Sep, ,B' irti'a Inn; oflicial as- signee, Graluillti Coleman Street-HEN= SANILL, Colchestpry arneer, Jan. 3. Feb. 7; whetters, Abell, Romney Terrace ,Westminster • Jones; Cokhester ; official as- ifignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street!-Safireer., rule? DenbaRt., ljueltinghanithire, innkeeper, Jan. 5, Feb. 1: solicitor, Spicer, Staple du ; officialaseignee, Johnson, Basin all Street-Tuoisas STANDON,Goudhurst, Kent, general-dealer, Jan. 4, Feb. 8: do atom Parker, St..Paul'a Churchyard ;-..ffincts,'Goudhurst ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Faaarets Gear= Extra, Greenwich, Watch-maker, Jan, 4, Feb. 8: solicitors, Wealle and Berkeley, Temple Chambers; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Isaac BARTON, StWordorroter, Jan. 4, 27: soli- citors, Hand. Stafford; Atotteram and Knight. Birmingham; _official assignee._ Bittle;. eton. Birmingham-Jana Waune.v, Bristol, haberdasher, Jan. 10, Feb. 6: soliehers, Benin and Girling. Bristol; official assignee, Acmes. u, Bristol-J=8 Evans,- Exe- ter, bookseller, Jan. 4, Feb. it solicitor, Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, EIMM-GROROE BRAND HUSSEY, Plymouth, innkeeper, Jan. 8, Feb. 5: solicitors, Gibson and Moore, Plymouth; official assignee, liittzel, Exeter -Jon8 HANNeLr.„ Manchester, tobacconist, Jag. 6, Feb:1 : solicitors,, Richardson, Button; cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; official. aseignee, Hernaman, Manchester -EDWA.RD WRIGHT, Welwick, Holderness, Yorkshire, draper. Jan. 10, Feb. 7 solicitors, Wells and Smith, Hull; =kW assignee, Carrick, Hull.
Drvinewns.-Jan. 17, Wright and Amide, Upper Thames Street,"drysalters-‘Jan. 17, Fox, Crombies Row, Commercial Road East, ctothier-Jan. 23, Hucknall, Not- !Ingham, grocer-Jan. 23. Chaplin and Wiley, Leicester, curriers-Jan. 30, Scott, Nottingham, grocer-Jan. 5, Evans, Briton Ferry Ironworks, Glamorganshire, Iron- master-Jan. 17. Bincllose, Manchester, silk-manufacturer-Jan. 18, Sager, Birken- head, brewer-Jan. 24, Cragg, Kendal, iunkeeper. •
CEarrereares.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Jan. 16, Batchelar, Croydon, baker-Jan. 17, Waghorn„ Rochester, draper-Jan. 16, Clapham, Farringdon Street, victualler-Jan. 111, Perks, Liverpool, porter-merchant-Jan. 23, Durable Sunderland commission-agent-Jan. 18 J. Thotrenton sen. and .1.R. Thornton,'' Godley, 'Cheshire' , cotton-waste-dealers-Jan.
18, Clay, Wednesfield, Staffordshire, timber-merchant-Jan. 25, Brown, West- bromwich, corn-factor-Jan. 18, Longman, Wolverhampton; druggist-Jan. 25, Berry, Coventry, victualler-Jan. 22, Metes, Birmingham, baker.
,DEGLARATIONS OF DIVIDE:MS.-Martindale, , New Bond Street, wine-merchant ; final div, of aid. Dec. 28, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Hertskt, Union Court, Old Broad Street, merchant; first div. of 18s. 2d. on the separate estate Dec. 28, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Keith, Wood Street, warehouseman; first div. of 2s. Oid. on the separate estate Dec. 28, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Farn- worth, Upper Thames Street, tin-plate-merchant; final div. of 1 1-16d, Dec. 28, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Clark and Inglis, King's Cross, drapers ; first div. of 3s. Dec. 28, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basin-ball Street-Holland and Bradburn. Manchester, commission-agents; first ail. of 4d. on the separate estate of W. H. Holland, and first div. of 16s. on the separate estate of IL Bradburn, Jan. 9, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Man- chester-Langdale and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants; second die. of Id. (in addition to 9d. previously declared) Dec. 30, or any subsequent Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Secercn SEQUEsTUATIONS.-Smith and Gardner, Glasgow, weights, Jan. 5-1ti'Lin- tock, Greenock, boot-maker, Jan. 3-Macdonald, Glasgow, tea-merchant, Jan. 3- Macnair, Glasgow, bookbinder, Jan. 5.
Biddy, December 29.
PARTNERSHIPS Dissormai.-Kilner and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-merchants - Ede and Co. Manchester, and Ede and Robley. Sydney, merchants ; as far as regards H. J. Me-Phillips and Mansden, Sise Lane, atternies-Wivell and Rogers, Bir- rninglitun, artists-Jackson and Ducroz, Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, merchants -Kershaw and Howard, Liverpool, cotton-brokers-Mg-teary and Co. Liverpool, merchants-M. and A. Keyser, Norwich, opticians-Benson and Brother, Man- chester, cloth-agents-Holdsworth and Hanson, Leeds, listing-manufacturers-Firth and Archer, Liverpool, brokers-Kay and Co. Whittle le Woods, Chorley, brewers- Curti ativiCo. Crosby Square, merchants-Wilson and Sons, Cheapside, stationers - Smith and Co. Ironmonger Lane, railway advertising contractors; as far as regards J. Smiley-Harris and Archer, Liverpool, bakers-Lauder, Harvey, and Co. Man- chester, and Lauder. Green, and Co. Liverpool, commission-agents-Caldwell and Sutton, Liverpool, cart-owners-Burton and Co. Lowerfields, Lancashire, dyers Janson and Cooper, Basinghall Street, attornies -Harold and Reed, Southampton, drapers-Penny and Wood, Manchester, cotton-manufacturers-Dickson Brothers and Co. London, and J. Dickson and Co. Gotteehurg, merchants ; as far as regards It. Dickson jun-Blake and Bingham, Chapel Street, Milton Street, carmen.
Basaaurrs. LAMM'S, Gibson Street, Lambeth, baker, to surrender Jan. 13, Feb. 9: solicitor, Moss, Gracechurch Street; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury-Gzonoe FIPOOT LIME, Church Passage, Basingliall Street, sewed- muslin-maker, Jan. 6, Feb. 9: solicitors, Lloyd and Rule, Milk Street; official as- signee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Janss and ALFRED ATKINSON, Huntingdon, drapers. Jan. 6, Feb. 16: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers -HENRY ALnear LINFORD, Sherborne Lane, tavern- keeper, Jan. 8, Feb. 8: solicitorjellock, Bessborough Street, Belgrave Boad ; olfi- clalassignee, Johnson, Basingififfil Street-Gramma James Los, Chertsey, builder, Jan. 13, Feb. 6: solicitors, Jaquet, New Inn, Strand; Lovett, Guildford; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-CHARLES kleavon CROOKS, Church Row, Hounds- ditch, victualler, Jan. 13, Feb. 6 solicitors, Trehern and White, Barge Yard Chambers, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Jamss MOR- TIMia Grosvenor Road, St. John's Wood, builder, Jan. 2, Feb. 2: solicitors, Par- ker and Co. Bedford Row ; official. assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court- WILLIAM Kt:crow GIBBS, Dudley, grocer, Jan. 8. 29: solicitors, Smith, Horseley Heath; Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birming- ham-ANN WitaiNsoN; Ellesmere, Salop, innkeeper, Jan. 6, 26: solicitors. Waco, Ellesmere; Monerani and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Bir- mingham-Bearnowitzw Sreet, Sheffield, glass-dealer, Jan. 13, Feb. 10: solicitor, Emmett, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield-Isanona BERNSTMEN, Liver- pool, commission-agent, Jan. ft, 30: solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenore, Liverpool-Gsonoe BRAND Hussey, Plyinouth,ienkeeper, Jan. 8, keb. 5: solicitors, Gibson and Moore, Plymouth; official assignee, Ilirtzell, Exeter-J=8 Todraorden, cotton-spinner, Jan. 9, Feb. 6: solicitors, Hammerton, Todmorden; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-.
DIVIDRNDS.-Ian. 20, Menem, Tunbridge Wells innkeeper-Jan. 20, Leslie and Smith, St. Dunstan's 11111, merchants-Jan. 19, Honer, Church Street, Hackney, chemist-Jan. 23, Coleman, Yarpole, Herefordshire, and Wettings, Ludlow, bankers -Jan. 19, Cobbett, Bear Gardens, Surrey, plumber-Jan. 19, E. C. and g.• yc, Fyffe, Howford Buildings,•Fenchurch Street, and Fyffe junior, Calcutta, merchants -Jan. 19, Readwin, Wir cheater Buildings, Great. Winchester Street, share-dealer,- Jan. 19, Gadd, New Fishbourne, Sussex, farmer-Jan. 19, Hill. High Street, Hamp- stead, builder-Jan. 19, Clarkson, Reading, victualler-Jan. 19, West, Fleet Street, bookseller-Jan. 19, Crane, Chailey, Sussex, surgeon-Jan: 19, Pinnock, St. James's Terrace, Harrow Road, flour-factor-Jan. 19, Evans, Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, surgeon-Jan, 26, Onnerod and Co. Rapt Mill, Rawtenstall, Lancashire, cot- ton-manutacturers -Jan. 20, %Vigra', Sheffield, knife-manufacturer.
CHRITFICATES.- To be granted, unless MUM be shown to the contrary, on the d,ay of meeting. -Jan. 19, Bieen, King William Street, City, watch-maker-Jan. 19, Setter- field. Ipswich, grocer-Jan. 19, Lucking, Cornngham, Essex, grocer-Jan. 19, Ma- son. Windmill Street, Haymerket, victualler-Jan, 19, L. and.C. H. Wood, Willow Walk, Bermondsey, carpenters-Jan. 19, Dunkley, DaventrY. racer-Jan:- 26. Chesworth, Manchester, merchant-Jan. 19, Heyworth and Crossley, Egypt Mill, Rawtenstall, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers.
DECLARATIONS OP Divinanns.-Barber, Bishopsgate Street Without, grocer; first div. of 4d. Thursday next and three following, lithrsdays ; Stansfeld, Hasinghall Street-bloats senior, Spalding, coal-merchant ; first div. of 48. 6d. Monday next and two following Mondays; Harris, Nottingham-Brailsford, Nottingham, email- ware-dealer; first div. of 7s. 9d. Monday next and two following Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham- .Bloxham, Lukesland Grove, Devon, horse-dealer ; first die. of Is. any Tuesday and Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-I'fooks, Sherborne, brewer; first div. of Is. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Couzeus, East Stonehouse, cab- proprietor ; first div. of Is. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, haeter-Trebil- AOCk, Plymouth, boOt-Makell first die. of 35. any Tuesday or Friday; Iiirtzel, gzeter—Ogalbe. Plymouth, builder; first die. of 10d. any 'Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Palmer, Bridestow, =lister; first div. of 74d. any Tuesday or Friday; "tinsel, Exeter. - SCOTCH SRCIDESTRATIONS.-J . and T. Herbertson, Glasgow, wrights, Jan. 5-Dou- glas, Glasgow, stationer, Jan. 5.