30 DECEMBER 1837, Page 4

Cbc Court.

MonAv being Christmas-day, the Queen attended divine service in the Chapel Royal of St. James's Palace, and received the sacrament from the Bishop of London. In the evening, her Majesty had a small dinner-party; which included Lord Melbourne, Colonel Grey,

iel Viscount Falkland.

Early on Tuesday morning, the Queen was roused by a call from Lord Glenelg and Lord Hill, who waited on her Majesty with Sir John Colborne's despatches from Canada. The Queen's opinion on the state of affairs, and the most prudent course to be adopted, is not reported by the Courtly chronicler ; neither is there any particular inention of the condition of Lord Glenclg's nerves, which must have been severely shocked by the necessity he was under, probably for the first time for many years, of rising before noon, and exposing himself to the morning air. Fortunately, however, the weather was unusually mild.

On Wednesday, the Queen, accompanied by the Dutchess of Kent and Lady Alulgrave, left Buckingham Palace for Windsor Castle, The Duke of Argyle, the Dutchess of Sutherland, and other illerfl. hers of the Household, followed her Majesty. On Thursday, the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge arrived at Windsor, on a visit to the Queen.

It is said that Brighton is no favourite with her: Majesty, and that orders have been given to procure a royal marine residence in the neighbourhood of Ramsgate.