30 AUGUST 1902, Page 27

Procession of the Kings of Scotland. Designed, described, and published

by W. G. Burn-Murdoch. (30s. net.)—This is a litho- graphic oopy of a design, intended primarily for execution in metal as a frieze on some public building, but now published as a lesson-picture for schools. The Kings of Scotland begin with Fleance, son of Banque, who is followed by Duncan, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and end with George II. and " Prince Charlie." Mr. Burn-Murdoch does not say which of the two, from the political point of view, he prefers ; ho leaves us in no doubt as to his views of the picturesque aspect. He has been careful to give with every Royal figure others more or loss symbolical and illus- trative. The whole " procession " is five yards or more in length (but is divisible into more convenient portions), and contains, wo should guess, between one and two hundred figures. It is a fine piece of work of no little historical and artistic interest. A pamphlet of description accompanies it.