The business of the English Funds has been unimportant. The character of the intelligence from America threw rather a gloom over the market today and the Government Securities experienced a decline of about 1 per cent. Bank Stock improved notwithstanding, and was done at 213. Exchequer Bills have declined in a slight degree, and the premium for large bills was today as low as 46s.
In the Foreign Market, the principal effect of the news was to occasion a fall of about per cent in Mexican Securities; which declined to 33 for the Active Stock, while the Deferred Bonds fell to 17i. The recent troubles in Madrid have produced but a trifling effect upon Spanish Stock; both varieties of which nearly support their last quotations.
The business of the Railway Share Market has been more extensive than usual; and the operations in the Foreign Shares have been of a very general character, especially for the last three days. The exciting cause appears to have arisen in the success which has attended the amalgamation or (as the French call it) fusion of the Companies competing for the Great Northern Railway of France, all of which have become united under one interest, and will consequently be sure of the lease of the line at the Government maximum. Similar proceedings are in progress as regards the various Companies competing for the Paris and Lyons line, and there is little doubt but that the same result will be obtained in that case. Hence speculation is agog in all the French lines, and has been extended into all the Belgian. Almost every variety of Foreign Shares is materially higher than last week, and the business of unprecedented extent. The Companies com- peting for the Great North of France Railway delivered in on Tuesday in Paris the formal documents necessary to admit them to the public competition ; but it is well understood, that, by an arrangement among them, only one offer will be made—that by Lafitte's Company, and that they are all to submit to a reduction in the amount :4' their shares, or rather to exchange them for certain proportions of the shares of the new Con pany. The English Shares have been the subject of much fluctuation, especially the Scrip of some of the new undertakings. 'lie general tone of the market may be described as good. Money is, however, becoming scarcer; and very high rates of interest were given upon the occasion of the Share-settlement today for loans upon the security of Shares of all descriptions. It is to the demand for money in the Share-market that the decline in Exchequer Bills may ha ascribed. A failure of a broker was declared today at the Stock Exchange: his insolvency is attributed to the defalcation of a principal who has speculated largely for the hell in London and York Shares, and who at the eleventh hour left his agent to provide a very large difference; so that the latter had no alternative but to declare himself in-
There is no change in either the English or Foreign Funds. The Railway Share Market is improving, and business has occurred in almost all the varieties, at improved prices. The French Shares are still rising, and the business of the morning is at an advance upon yesterday's prices. We have to notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Caledonian, 12i i; Cambridge and Lin- coln, i; Cornwall, 4; Direct Northern, 2i; Eastern Counties, 20i i; Great
Western, Half-Shares, 98; Leicester and Birmingham, 31; Birmingham, Third shares, 47; Brighton, 79; Croydon, 2611; Ditto, New, 11; London and York,
4 i; Portsmouth Direct, .9y 7..; South-eastern and Dover, 48i ; Ditto, New, 74 paid, 15; Boulogne and-Amiens, 111; Great North of France, (Lafitte's,) 7 1; Great North of France, (Rosamers,) 31 i; Great Paris and Lyons, 2t1; Louvain and Jemeppe, 5; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 121; Great North of France, (Calon's,) 2i; Paris and Strasburg, (Ganneron's,) 31; Paris and Strasburg, (Hainguerlot's,) 3 1; Tours and Nantes, 3h.
There is no change either in the English or the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are still in the ascendant; and we have to notice the following bargains, in addition to those given in the morning: Caledonian, 111 12; Dublin, si 4; Dub- lin and Galloway, 34; Ely and Bedford, 44; Great Western, 177; Lynnand Ely, 8; Manchester and Birmingham, 72 3 li; Birmingham and Derby, 132i; New- castle and Berwick, 181 19; North British, 30; North Kent and Dover Direct, .54 i; Oxford and Worcester, 84 91; Preston and Wyre, 40i; Richmond and West-end Junction, 12 13; South-eastern and Dover, 484 48; Great North of France, (Lafitte's,) 7; Ditto, (Rosamers,) 4; Louvain and Jemeppe, 51; Namur and Liege, 71; Over Yssell, 04 4 premium; Paris and Lyons, (Calon's,) 24.
184 4
88 90 633 1001 334 4 171 18 64 5 634 641 117 119 274 381 3 per Cent Consols .....
Ditto for Account • • • 081 i 99 1 Columbian ex Venezuela ...
Danish 3 per Cents 3 per Cent Reduced. • ..... 991 A Dutch 21 per Cents..ex div.
34 per Cents
1021 4 Ditto 4 per Cents Long Annuities
124 Mexican 5 per Cents Bank Stock
212 13 Ditto Deferred Exchequer Bills Prem. 46 8 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 India Stock
272 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 Brazilian 5 per Cents
88 9 Russian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents
100 2 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents
102 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842