30 APRIL 1898, Page 31



SIE,—In the review of the Hampton Lectures in the Spectator of April 16th you say : "If our memory is not at fault, the late Mr. Aubrey Moore, who was a protagonist on behalf of the new ideas, gave to the subject of the Fall some three lines only in his volume of essays called Science and the Faith ; ' while in his sermons at the Chapel Royal he spoke of Adam and Eve being driven out of Paradise as Dr. Pusey might have done." May I be allowed to draw attention to his paper in the Oxford House Papers (second series) on "Evolution and Christianity," the last section of which deals with " Evolution and the Fall " ? In a prefatory note to the paper Mr. Moore states that this last section is new, while the rest of the paper is little more than a summary of articles that appear in " Science and the Faith."—I am,