30 APRIL 1853, Page 9

Viort [tannins.

Preparations for the great camp at Chobham Common, near Windsor, continue. Captain Blackwood Price's battery, consisting of 6 guns, 85 horses, and 138 noncommissioned officers and men, now stationed at Shornel4 has received orders to hold itself in readiness to join the camp in June. The Sixth Dragoon Guards, now at Canterbury, and the Thirteenth Light Dragoons, now at Hounslow, will form part of the cavalry brigade.

Many Militiamen have volunteered into the Line for foreign service. The Tower Hamlets Regiment has thus lost many of its men, and re- cruiting is actively going on to fill the vacancies.

Mr. Buchanan has been officially appointed Minister to England from the United States. The Senate has ratified the appointment, and Mr. Buchanan is expected in England by the 1st of July. Ile is known, among other things, in connexion with the Oregon treaty ; in which af- fair he strongly supported American as opposed to British interests. He is a man of great ability, experience, and worth. Santa Anna arrived at Vera Cruz on the 1st instant. It is said he was not cordially received.

According to the Gazette of Moscow, the cholera has broken out in that capital.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.

Ten Weeks Week of 1843-62. of 1853. Eymotic Diseases 1,849 .... 218 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 469 .... 50 Tubercular Diseases 1,949 .... 211 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 1,168 137 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 341 54

Diseases of the Lungs, and a the other Organs of Respiration 1,476 .... 242

Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion .... 74 .... 17 14 11 „ 22 33


seases o t e eys, 109 Childbirth, diaeases of the Uterus, &c 109

Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, &c 00

Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Timm, &c.. ' 12

Ma/formations 20

Premature Birth 186 Atrophy 170

Age 601 Sudden 100

`Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 221 —

Total (Including Unspecified causes) 9,443 By a Parliamentary return it appears that our exports to Turkey and its dependencies exceed our united exports to Russia and Austria by 478,5811. The declared values are—Turkey, 2,581,230!.; Russia, 1,289,704!.; Austria, 812,9421.

In consequence of the unhealthy state of the numerous courts and con- fined streets verging out of Drury Lane, the Commissioners of Sewers, at the instigation of the Commissioners of the Board of Health, are now making the necessary preparations to cut a common sewer from Newcastle Street, in the Strand, all the way up Wych Street and Drury Lane to Holborn ; which will join the main sewer in the Strand, near St. Mary's Church, and thus empty itself into the Thames.

Mr. Macbean, Mains of Flowerburn, slaughtered a cow which he had fattened with fair success for some months. On cutting the animal open, he found in its inside a large table-knife which had probably been swallowed some time before. Except a small portion of the point, whioh protruded between the ribs, the knife was in good condition, and bore no traces of cor- rosion.—North British Daily Mail.