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A public meeting of the members of the Parochial Society of St. Martin's, electors of Westminster, mid others, was Itch' on Wednesday, at the Two Angels and Crown Tavern, Upper St. Martin's Lane, for the purpose of taking into consideration the late communication from Colonel Evans. A resolution, which was moved by Mr. Humphries, and seconded by Dr. Bainbridge, thankingColonel Evans for his letter, and expressing the confidence the electors had in him, was carried una- nimously.
A meeting of some of the Maryiebone electors was held on Wed- nesday, at the Mechanics' Hall of Science, Circus Street, New Road, to censure Mr. Henry Bulwer for voting with Ministers on the Pen- sion-list question. A resolution was passed, declaring that Mr. Hui- wer had " violated faith with his constituents " by his vote on that occasion ; and a deputation was appointed to convey this agreeable an- nouncement to the hotiourable Member. Mr. Savage was the chief orator of the ssseaddy.
The members or tie Westelios!er Conservative Association dined on Saturday last, at Willis's Booms, to celebrate the first anniversary of the formation of their " political union." About flinr hundred were present : among the principal persons, Lord Eliot (who pre- sided), Lords Wharieditfe, Hadlington, Winchilsea, Lincoln, and Francis Egsrom, Mr. Searlett, _lir. Baring Wall, Mr. D'Israell " the Younger," and Mr. Bickham Esrott. Lord 1Vharncliffe and Lord Lincoln were the chief speakers among the aristocracy ; and Mr. Birkhain Eseott held forth as the representative of the gentry : The Society for Preserving the Due Observance of the Sabbath held a meeting yesterday, at Exeter hall; the Bishop of London in the chair. The Bishop expressed his fear that the Legislature would not interfere at present to aid the efforts of the Society. He said that the Bishops never used their clarinet's on Sunday, except for works ("charity! The other speakers were Sir Oswald :Mosley, (who eulo- gized Sir Andrew Ageew,) Mr. Hardy, and the Reverend George Cubitt. The report of the Society's proceedings was read and ap- proved of.