Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon; undertaken with a iew or ii,certaining the Practicability of a Novi:table Com- uitin'cation with the Atlantic by the Rivers Pachitea. Cra■,ali, and Amavm. By Lieutenant W. Smyth and Mr. F. Lour, late of II. St S tmarang. Murray.
iltszroaz. Oconnaptiv, Sze,
Tito Chines: a ; vi•ral Descript hat of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants. By John Francis Davis, log , F.R.S., Se.r. late His Nlajesiy's Chief Superintendent in China. 1 to 1 type Knight.
An it ierl and Descriptive Account of China. ht 3 vols. Vol. II. (Edinburgh
Cabinet Library) Ubttr and Boyd. .1::linbag14.