I often have to regret that space prevents my dealing more frequently and in detail with the financial Works which are submitted to me. One to which I would particularly refer of the moment is the new edition of Tate's Modern Cambist, .which has been compiled by Mr. W. F. Spalding and is pub- lished by Mr. Effingham Wilson. For so many years Tate's Modern Cambist has been regarded as a standard_ work that the publisher has done well to entrust the task of bringing the book up to date to thoroughly -coinnetent hands. There
are few foreign exchange experts better known than mr. Spalding, whose writing is not only reliable, but helpful and practical; and I can confidently recommend the new Tate Al an indispensable work for the Financial Library.
Two thoroughly useful and practical volumes which havc been sent to me are from the pen of Mr. Cuthbert Maughan, well known by his writings in the Times on shipping and trade matters. One of these books is entitled Trade Term Definitioni and the other Commodity Market Terms, both books being published by Mr. Effingham Wilson. The works provide something more than a mere definition of terms, containing as they do a great deal of useful and practical information which will be read with interest not only by those who are directly connected with the various industries, . but by the still larger circle which desires at least a shaking-hand acquaintance with subjects connected with the economic