[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Mr. Marco Pallis has resorted to an obvious device in his letter to you on the above subject. He has fixed upon a gently ironic suggestion in my criticism of the Dolmetsch Festival, and twisted it into a dark heresy. That suggestion implied no more than that the admirable zeal of the Dohnetsch disciples often leads them into extravagance.
Mr. Penis' letter is an example. He appears in it as the "Grand Inquisitor" and persecutes even the faithful. I believe in viol-Music, but when Mr. Penis attempts to formulate the clauses of my creed, I resent the intrusion. He fears that my criticism will damage the cause. It is more likely that the cause will damage itself, when it is carried out in so pontifical a manner. Wherefore let Mr. Pallis take heed, lest, by pro- testing too much, he cause the newly-converted to stumble. —I am, Sir, &c., Beath MAINE.