fortign nub Colonial.
Fuel:oz.—Continuing the itinerary of President Bonaparte, we find him leaving Grenoble on the 22d of September, for Valence. According to the despatches published in the Afonitcur, the reception of the President has been equally good in all places ; but unofficial accounts transmitted to the English journals estimate the enthusiasm at a far lower degree, and confine its manifestations to the authorities, paid agents, and the mass of the peasants. Certain it is that peremptory orders disguised as patriotic proclamations, in which it is assumed that the inhabitants will assemble, cheer, and illuminate, are issued by the Prefects. This was done even at Grenoble ; and the proclamation of the Prefect of the Haute Garonne scarcely disguises the commands of its writer. From Valence, M. Bonaparte embarked in a steamer plying on the Rhone, for Avignon ; where he arrived on the 24th ; and, mounting his horse, which had been sent on before him, he rode into the illustrious town. A ball, a review, and visit to the hospitals, were the acts at the city of the Popes ; and the Prefects say, the people of Avignon and the mountain- eers, who had come down in great numbers, shouted continually a Vive rEmpereur !"—" never before uttered with such prodigious force and unanimity."
While M. Bonaparte was on his way to Avignon, an "infernal ma- chine" was seized by the Police at Marseilles. On the night of the 23d, a Commissary of Police and ten men burst into a house on the high-road from Aix, and seized there the said machine. The Ifoniteur of Sunday gave the following account, the only one at present which has been pub- lished— " The Minister of General Police has for some time past been on the trace of a secret society, of which the object became every day more manifest. The members bad resolved to make an attempt on the life of the President. The city of Marseilles had been chosen for the execution of the plot. M. Sylvain Blot, Inspector-General of the Ministry of Police, carefully followed its de- velopment and progress. The construction of an infernal machine having been resolved on, several of the members set to work, and the machine was quickly completed. It is composed of 250 gun-barrels and four large blun- derbuss-barrels, the entire divided into twenty-eight compartments. Those twenty-eight pieces were for greater precaution deposited in twenty-eight different places until the moment a suitable place could be found to fix and put the machine together. The conspirators then occupied themselves with the choice of a situation, which should naturally be situate on the passage of the Prince President. They first fixed their choice on a first story in a house in the Rue d'Aix, whither they were to remove and raise the machine on the night previous to that in which the President was to arrive at Mar- seilles. Some suspicions which were excited in the minds of the conspira- tors caused them to change their idea, and a second locality was chosen. Like the first, it was situate on the passage of the President, being on the high- road from Aix. An entire house was hired. It is a small house, composed of two stories, with two windows in front. The infernal machine was to have been placed on the first floor. It was seized on that spot. At the same moment, one of the conspirators was in the very house in which the infernal machine was found. The others were in their houses, or in the different places where the Police were assured of their presence.' An outburst of indignation from all the journals at the foulness of the alleged plot has followed its discovery; and, of course, its immediate effect has been to double the enthusiastic cries which greet his " Imperial Highness," as the President is now styled. But many suspect the reality of the plot, and openly denounce it as an invention of the Police.
M. Bonaparte entered Marseilles on horseback, on the 25th, by " the high-road from Aix." The Mayor presented him with the keys; the Im- perial cry was vigorously raised by those around ; and banners and the waving of handkerchiefs were not wanting. At the Prefecture, besides the native courtiers, were two envoys, one from the Pope, the other from the King of Naples, who had been sent to congratulate M. Bonaparte. In the evening there was a banquet ; and the President attended the theatre.
Here also M. Bonaparte laid the foundation-stone of a new Cathedral tied a new Bourse. On the latter occasion an address was presented to him by the President of the Chamberof Commerce ; and, according to the Moniteur, the following significant sentence was contained in M. Bona- parte's reply-- "He was well pleased to be able to give that testimony of interest to the -commerce of Marseilles; and his desire was that Marseilles, more and more flourishing, should codperatein realizing the great idea of the Emperor, that the Mediterranean ought to be a French lake."
We have said, speaking on official authority, that his reception at Mar- seilles was magnificent Yet an Englishman, sipeing himself " Veritas," whose letter was published in large type in yesterday's Times, gives an ac- count very different froze that of the Prefects- " I was stationed, at the time of his arrival; on the Place St. Ferreol, a good-sized square, close to the Prefecture, where he was to alight. The squaze.had been very handsomely decorated, and turned into a parterre of flowers, surrounded on all sides- by a compact mass of soldiers; admittance within the square being given by tickets,, which were only granted to per- sons of known character and respectability. Sly chief object_ in going thither was to ascertain, from personal observation,, the manner in which Louis Napoleon was received. I watched the populace, both within and
without the square, very closely and attentively; and I can assure you that there was net any expression of feeling in his favour ; with the exception. of a few, very few and feeble, cries of ` Vice Napoleon !' a sullen and.srgai- ficant silence sat upon the multitude. The troops did not utter a single cry. The President looked most wretched, haggard, and careworn."
The President left Marseilles for Toulon, accompanied by a strong fleet of war-steamers and men of war, on the 27th. Wo are told that the of the vessels raised one sole cry of Vice l'Empereur !' and the whole town responded. The squadron saluted withits thousand cannon.
Toulon and its roadstead presented a spectacle as imposing as magni- ficent" Two notable publications have lately taken place ; one, of an artieleby Dr. Vercen intended apparently to corroborate the significance of the cry
" Vive l'Empereur !" The writer hints at-the conduct of-Potemkin, who_ raised unreal villages along the-line-of the-Empress Catherine's progress ; and at the- conduct of Mark .Antony, who thrice offered the crown to Cmear. These, he says, were pieces of acting. France-has no Potemkin; nor Mark Antony ; and since the people cry aloud for- the Empire,. Dr. Veron thinks they may as well have it. The other publication is a long- expected- pamphlet, " Dn Retablissement de 1' Empire." Its last lines are—"-Let us then acclaim the French Constitutional-Empire; let us acclaim the future Emperor. It is the will of the people, and the will of
God." .
Baton:rm.—The anniversary of the revolution of 1830 was kept with the usual formalities and rejoicings. King Leopold, the Duke of Bra- bant,- and the Count of Flanders, partook of an entertainment given by the Burgomaster of Brussels, after the ceremony of inaugurating a new infantry barrack. Not only the ring but the Duke of Brabant spoke; and pointedly alluded to the maintenance of Belgian independence :
-they were, .of ,course, rapturously applauded. Singularly enough, on. the same day, the 22d, the Vienna Presse contained.a monitory article on.
Belgium. The youngest of European states is reminded that it is not en- titled to play the moderator in European politica_but is bound to conform. itself to the order-policy of the greater states. It adds,. that Belgium is not in. the number of those states whose existence is guaranteed in the treaties of 1815: its later independence is only an indulgence granted by thereat Powers, and one of the most essential conditions of the prolong- ation of that indulgence is the removal_ of all persons whose presence on the soil may be prejudieial to Belgium's neighbours.
This has been closely followed by an, important event. The Chambers met on Monday ; but no business of importance was done until, Wednes- day. When the Chamber of Representatives met on that day,. Ministers announced that they intended to stand or fall upon the election. of. M. Verhaegcn as President of the Chamber. The Opposition brought for- ward. M. Delehaye; and the-election at once proceeded.. Ministers were defeated, by 54 to 46; and the Presidency fell to M. Delehaye. But here a new source of difficulty arose; M. Delehaye refused to accept the office. Another candidate was proposed, M. Charles de Brouckere. This time, Verhaegen polled 50, Delebaye 48, Brouckere 1. Strange complica- tion Verhaegen now refused to accept office, on the ground that he had been unaware of the fact that his election was to be made a Cabinet question ; because it was no longer M. Verhaegen who' was at stake, but a- member of Liberal opinions. " The Liberal principle had been in- volved ; it should not be reestablished. He would not engage his indi- viduality ; he would not accept the Presidency" : a declaration loudly applauded by the Opposition. The sitting was adjourned. In the even- ing, a Royal decree prorogued the Chambers until the 26th of October, and the Ministers resigned.
The " Health Congress" was brought to a close last week. King Leo- pold had attended its sectional meetings, and a deputation of the promi- nent members was sent to thank him for his courtesy. On the 23d he gave a grand dinner, to which several eminent foreign members of the Congress were invited. Among the English present were Lord. Ebring- ton and Mr. F. 0. Ward.
ITALY.—Tho Official Gazelle of Savoy, of the 24th September, states that Sir Henry Bulwer is charged with a more important mission at
Rome than that of the deliverance of Edward Murray from the prison of Ancona. "In spite of the malaria, he has gone to Rome to treat with the Pontifical Court. A concordat for Ireland is in question. Religious affairs are of the utmost importance for the English. They desire to put en end to the troubles of Catholic Ireland, without severities, and with- out using military force. The diplomatic dexterity of Sir Henry Bulwer is relied upon to bring about this solution."
The Pope was at Porto d'Anzio on the 16th, inspecting two steamers intended for the navigation of the Tiber. Next day he visited the new bridge building at Larici, between Rome and Albano. He returned to Castel Gandolfo. Rumour says that he meditated a flight to Naples ; being provoked thereto by the demand from M. Bonaparte through a ge- neral, that he should come to Paris and crown the Emperor ; but the story Wants confirmation.
IONIAN Isasssns.—Sir Henry Ward prorogued his Parliament on the 15th ultimo, until the 1st March 1854 ; on the ground that the members had refused to enable him to establish measures of moderate constitutional reform. In dismissing the Parliament, he threatened to use his extraordi. nary powers "without scruple."
SPAIN.—The journals report that Seiler Nin, author of a work entitled "The Jesuits Daguerreotyped," summoned the Bishop of Barcelona, on the 13th, before the Marquis of Castelldorius, the presiding Magistrate of that city, for injuries and damages sustained by him in consequence of the strictures of the Bishop on his work in the recent pastoral address. The Bishop was cited twice and did not appear ; so a fine of 20 reals was ordered to be levied on him, in the usual manner.
Mum) STATES.—The America arrived at Liverpool on Sunday, and the Arctic on Wednesday morning, with papers to the 18th September from New York.
We have official news respecting the important questions of the Lobos and the Fisheries. In regard to the former, more particulars are published of the number of' ships which have sailed from the United States- to take guano from the Lobos Islands ; and copies of the instruc- tions given by Captain Jewett to the person in command of the expedi- tion are also in the papers. They appear as a letter from Captain Jewett to Mr. Webster. It seems that the enterprising Captain, who drew from Mr. Webster the announcement that the islands were considered as common. property, and that the guns of the Raritan would protect citizens of the United States taking guano, has sent out fifteen ships and six barques to the Lobos Islands. One of these barques, the Sarah Chase, carries 50 men 4 nine-pound carronadeta 40 muskets, 33 cutlasses, 1000 rounds of balls and canister shot, 1000 cartridges for cannon, 12 kegs of powder .1000 musket-cartridges, and- a large quantity of balls, flints, &e. Sarah Chase sailed on the 20th July. Most elaborate instructions were given to her captain, to "take possession of all the available load- ingrplaoes," and "in. case of molestation to protect himself as far as lay in his power" ; keeping the Sarah Chase at the Lobos to cover the load- ing operation of the rest of the fleet.. In point of fact, the instructions amount to an. order an the part, of Captain Jewett to Captain Osgood, commander-of the expeditban, to take possession of the-guano-deposits on the Lobos-di Afuera.
But Mr. Jewett reckoned without his host, and made- a false estimate of Mr. Webster's character. WC may easily imagine the astonishment of the Captain and of the whole Union at the appearance of the follow- ing documents.
" Department of State, Washington, Aug. 21, 1852. " Sir—Your letter of the 16th instant, with the accompanying papers, re- lative to your .proceedings for the purpose of taking- guano from the Lobos Islands, has been received. Since the one addressed to you by this depart- ment, under date the 5th, in answer to yours of the 2d of June last, inform- ation has reached the department-that the Peruvian Government- claims jurisdiction ovef these islands, and that in 1842' it issued two decrees pro- hibiting any foreign vessels, upon the- penalty of confiscation, from removing guano from any of the islands near the coast of-Peru without a licence from that. Government. Under these circumstances, it is expected that the vessels which have proceeded thither under your auspices will not make use of the arms with which it appears, from your letter of the 16th- instant, they are provided' for the purpose of forcibly resisting- the Peruvian authorities. You must be aware that such a resistance would be an act of private war, which can never receive any countenance from this Government. The naval commander of the United States in the Pacific will also, under existing circumstances; be required to abstain from protecting any vessels of the United States which may visit those islands for purposes forbidden by the decrees of the Peruvian Government, until he shall receive further orders. "Some of the statements contained in your letter of the 2d of June last had a tendency to mislead us, and, as intimated above, may, it is appre- hended, have done-so.
" I am-, Sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
" Daferet WEBSTER.
" To J. C. Jewett, Esq., New York."
" Au.% 25, 1852.
"Sir--By direction of the President, you are hereby instructed to suspend, until further orders, the execution of the order addressed to you under date of June 16, 1862; and you are required to abstain from aiding or abetting- any citizens of the United States who may forcibly resist the execution of the laws of Peru by the authority of that Republic. "I am, &o. Jonra P. KENNEDY. " Commodore C. B. M'Aulay, Commanding U. S. Squadron, Pacific- Ocean."
On their side, the Peruvian authorities have not been idle. Besides sending a brother of Seiler liana, the present Charge d'Affaires at Wash- ington, to negotiate with the President,, they have also reinforced the garrison at the islands, by land and sea, and stationed troops on the coast nearest to tbe coveted possessions. Statements alleging that Mr. Abbott Lawrence had consented to the recognition of the Lobos as belonging to Peru, are answered by that gentleman, in a letter to the National listellzgencer.
" Legation of the United States, London, August 24.
" Dear Sirs—I noticed in the New York Herald of the 11th instant, an ar- ticle, copied into the Times of this morning, intimating that I had con- sented, on the part of the United States, to the monopoly of the Lobos Is- lands between Peru and Great Britain. I have not spoken or written of these islands to any person connected with the British Government ; I have re- ceived no communication from the Government of the United States relative to them ; I have expressed no opinion about them, nor, indeed, have I made an examination to form an opinion. I am therefore at a loss to know the reason for such a statement.
" I am, dear Sirs, very faithfully, your obedient servant,
As to the Fishery question, three more schooners have been seized. The Boston papers also report the boarding of a smack by the Netley; alleging that this took place between " Campo Bello and the Grand Menan, where there is no fishing-ground." Tho Captain of the Netley is represented as having said that "he observed the Yankee papers stated there would be no more trouble to the fishing-vessels : he would hire to know, he said, where they got their information. They would find him doing in future just as he had always done." This is not an anecdote which can be entirely relied on ; but it derives some probability from the following remarks in the New Brunswieker, published at St. John's, cor- roborating the statements of the New York Journal of Commerce, which we published last week. " We have now much satisfaction in informing the public that the re- ported settlement of this question is incorrect, no such terms having been agreed to by the Imperial Government; and we are also enabled to state, on the highest authority, that in the settlement of so important a matter no rights which the colonists now claim or enjoy will be given up to foreign fishermen. We make this statement with the greatest confidence and satis- faction, and congratulate our fellow colonists on the disposition manifested by the Home Government to guard and preserve every right which fairly and honestly belongs to them. We can also assure our readers, that the Government of this province is fully alive to the importance of the subject, and has taken the proper steps to impress upon the Imperial authorities the true state of the case, and the necessity of retaining all our rights unim- paired. The British Minister at Washington has also been made to under- stand the great importance of the fisheries to our own people, and we may safely calculate that whatever is done by him will be done with a view to subserve the interests of British North America. We have no desire to pre- vent our American neighbours from participating, to a certain extent, in the benefits to be derived from our fisheries, provided they grant us an equiva- lent; but we will never consent to give up our fishing-grounds indiscrimi- nately to the Americans for all time to come." The Washington correspondent of the New York fferakl, after discre- diting the statements in the English papers as to a settlement, continues- " Admiral Seymour has his express orders, since Congress adjourned, sent through Mr. Crampton, to seise every Yankee vessel within tee miles of the Colonial shores. Strange to say, the despatches of Mr. Abbott Lawrence and of Lord Malmesbury are quite discrepant. There is some misunder- standing and some bungling somewhere. Mr. Lawrence seems to think there is no trouble ahead. Lord Malmerbury is not of that opinion. The Colonial Governments will not allow the Imperial Government to trifle with their rights or their interests."
He declares that the British Government will stick to the letter of the treaty ; and not grant the right to fish within three miles of the coasts within the bays, without an equivalent-
" The equivalent required, it it said, isreciprocal free trade between all the Colonies and the United States, in all the productions of agriculture, the forest, and the sea of each; and a full and equal participation in. all the coast- fisheries of the 'United' States, including the privilege of wrecking, fishing, and catching turtle in the Gulf and Straits of Florida, and other Southern coasts."
The writer points to the significant fact that Mr. Perley, from New Brunswick, had been for some weeks at the British Embassy at Wash- ington ; and he hints that negotiations would shortly begin at Marshfield.
The memory of General Lopez was honoured at New Orleans on the 1st of September, the anniversary of his death, by a torchlight procession. The column was headed by companies of soldiers ; followed by the re- turned Cuban prisoners, bearing a large illumination inscribed' " Beaten, but not Conquered"; den ahearse, on whose aides were written the names of "Lopez, "Crittenden," " Kerr,!" and others; after these, a host of firemen and citizens ; bands of Lone Star men ; the whole being closed by "well-known citizens-on horseback and in carriages$'* saith the New Orleans Picayune. During the advance, bands played the Lopez Dead. March ; the streets were lined, the houses were crowded with spectators; " an orator" addressed the mass ; and the commemoration closed with tt. religious service at the cathedral.
Three vessels have now sailed from New York for Australia since the 2d of July ; the last on the 13th of September, carrying two hundred passengers, mostly mechanics and clerks, net inwant, but ambitious of
doing better." Another ship was to follow on the 17th, with 180( pas- sengers ; and "the Australian fever;' aw it is-called, is reported to be on the increase, emigrants preparing- to sthrt "both from the States and Canada."
CAlfltD.L.—Scene important questions had been debated in the Legisla- ture. Mr. Merritt had moved a string of resolutions, suggesting that the Crown be addressed to impose certain retaliatory dirties on the products of the United. States, with the view of forcing reciproci4.y upon them. Ur. Minas thought retaliatory duties would be useful, but.-that any appeal to the British Government would be useless. The feeling avtioagainst the resolutions, and they were dropped. Mr. Hincks had submitted some resolutions on the Clergy Reserves; the sting of which lay in the declaration that the conduct of Sir John Feline= and "the refusal (of the Home Government to repeal the Im- perial statute on the subject of the Reserves) will be viewed as an invasion of the constitutional right of the colonists, and will lead to wide and deep- spread dissatisfaction among her Majesty's. Canadian subjects." According to a blue book on the PublieAceounts, the revenue of Canada for 1851 was 1,042,066k • the expenditure,. 631,666k; charges and ex- penses, 266,400k ; net surplus, 144,000k The. total Canadian exports to all countries had been 3,000,0001., against an importation of 5,000,0004 from all countries.
CIIBA.—If we may believe the accounts which reach us via New York and New Orleans, the island of the Lone Star continues not only disturbed internally, but the Creoles are subjected to very rigorous measures. Numbers of arrests are reported; that many have been, is confessed by the official journal of Havannah ; and the same authority in- timates that another invasion has of late been constantly expected. The most notable proceeding on the part of the Cuban Government is that a certain officer of the mail-steamer the Crescent City has been forbidden to land at Havannah ; and all obnoxious Americans are warned that they will be served the same. Journals from the United States are not allowed to circulate in Cuba ; and all Yankee arrivals are closely watched. These facts are stated in the official organs. It is further reported that the Con- suls-Generals of France and England have written to their respective Governments for a force to protect Enna and British interests in case of disturbances.
INDIA.—A telegraphic despatch from Trieste, dated 30th September, announces the arrival of the Indian mail, with advises from Bombay to the 1st of September. "The Governor-General returned to Calcutta on the 6th August. Commodore Lambert, with Captain Rundall, of the Engineers, had proceeded in the Phlego ten o reeonnoitre. Other vessels -were to follow, and Promo to be occulied by detachments of the 18th Royal Irish and 40th N. I. It was generally understood that as soon as four or five additional regiments should have arrived, a general advance would take place."
New Bourn War za.—Letters and papers as late as June 22d have been received from Sydney. The most striking intelligence is not of gold mines, although that is sufficiently exciting ; but of a new discovery in steam-propulsion. Sir Thomas Mitchell, the Surveyor-General of New South Wales, has in- Vented a new propeller, upon the principle of the native weapon the booms.
rang, which he calls "the boomerang propeller." He has had it fitted to a small steamer at Sydney, on a small and imperfect scale ; neverthe- less he has realized, it is said, twelve knots an hour against a head-wind. At the conclusion of the trial, Sir Thomas is reported to have said—" The weapon of the earliest inhabitants of Australia has now led to the deter- mination mathematically of the true form, by which alone, on the screw principle, high speed on water can be obtained." He says he shall be able to get twenty knots an hour out of it. This, if true, is a revolution in itself.
There are rumours of "great diggings" near Sydney—equal to those of Mount Alexander. They are said to lie "Northward on the Peel river, called the Hanging Rock Diggings." Nuggets are found varying from ten to twenty ounces ; but as yet the whole thing is kept quiet.