• Guards, commanded by the Duke of Wellington, vas brought
out from his place of confinement into the Armory Yard, St. James's Park, in order to undergo the punishment awarded to him by a court-martial. The unfortunate man, about three months ago, was on duty at the Tower, and was standing sentry at a place called the One-gun Battery, and was detected asleep on his post. He was placed in confinement, and a court.martial was held. It was not until Wednesday last that he was brought out to hear the sentence of the court-martial, which was read over to the Regiment ; and he was to receive 500 lashes. He was im- mediately tied up, and after having taken 155 lashes, he fainted away. The blood spirted from the wretched man's back on to the drummer's face, and it was found necessary to stop the punishment.--Morning Chronicle.
MURDER.—A person named Ahern was found murdered, in Clare Street, Limerick, last week. The forehead was beaten in as if with a heavy iron rod, and there were marks of strangulation round the neck.
CHILD MURDER.—A few days ago, a deaf and dumb girl, named Dyson, murdered her infant Child, at Ecclesfield, near Sheffield, by cutting its head off. She afterwards threw the body into the dam.
ATTEMPTED MURDER:A person named Searle, who inhabits a cottage near Taunton, attempted last week to murder one of his chil- dren, by cutting its throat. It was his intention, he said, to destroy the whole of his family, and then to put an end to himself. He was fortu- nately stopped in the commencement of his attempt. Surgical aid being immediately procured, the wound was sewed up ; and hopes are enter- tained that the child will live. The father is of course in custody.
MURDEROUS OUTRAGE IN FIFE.—A ruffian named Dempster at- tacked a poor cripple named M'Donald, on Wednesday last week, on the road to Ceres, and nearly killed him by blows of a hammer on the head. The wounded man is not expected to survive. Dempster haz absconded.
ESCAPE PROM PRISON.—A burglar named Rust made his escape from Chelmsford gaol on Friday morning, by knocking down the watch- man of the prison with a shovel, and afterwards clambering over the wall of the court-yard, which he contrived to reach by getting upon the roof of the stable. The groans of the watchman roused the governor, when the escape of Rust was discovered. The wounded man is dread- fully injured, but hopes of his recovery are entertained. Rust has since been captured, at Witham.
Mn. Roantscurnn.--Yesterday evening, about five o'clock, great confusion took place in the establishment of Baron Rothschild, in New Court, St. Swithin's Lane, Lombard Street, in consequence of a fire breaking out in the cellar underneath the bullion-office. Fortunately, by the indefatigable exertions of the men belonging to the Alliance and Protector, the flames were arrested at about six o'clock, and all further danger ceased.