A short time after the return of the Elector of
Hesse Cassel from Carlsbad, a petition was addressed to him, signed by several thousands of the inhabitants of Cassel, praying him to con- voke the States. On the 14th of September, the burgomaster of the city, at the head of a deputation of the petitioners, pro- ceeded to Williamshoffe., to present the petition ; but they were refused an audience, on the ground that the Sovereign was indis- posed from his journey ; lie promised, however, to receive the petition, and answer it the next day, in the palace. A deputation, on the same evening, and a second the next morning, waited on the Ministers of the Elector to point out the extremely agitated condition of the city, and to impress on them, if they wished to preserve public tranquillity, to procure a favourable answer to the petition. On- the 151 II, by day-break, the whole city was in mo- tion, and immense crowds occupied the square of the palace. The Elector arrived at half-past nine at the palace ; where he was received by the Electoral Prince and the Ministers. The deputa- tion were immediately introduced ; and in a quarter of an hour, they appeared at the windows of the palace, waving a white hand- kerchief as the signal of their success. It had been arrauged that if the Elector granted the prayer of the petition, the deputation should wave a white handkerchief; if not, that they should display black gloves from the palace-window. Soon after the Elector and his son stepped out to the balcony, and saluted the people amidst loud cheering. The city was illuminated in the evening. The Hessians are highly gratified at the prosperous commencement of their reform; at the same time, they declare that so many matters require alteration and amendment, that it is difficult to say where they ought to begin. On the 17th, the Elector declared, by an ordinance, that the provinces of Hallett and Fulda, which have hitherto had no representative states, should he in future repre- sented under the denomination of Upper and Lower Hesse.