2 OCTOBER 1830, Page 20


Arrived.—At Gravesend, Sept. 28th, Eleanor, Edmonds, from Madras; Eagle, Smith, from Singapore; and Clansman, Ritchie, from Van Dieman's Land. 29th, Kathrine Stewart Forbes, Canny, from New South Wales. Iii the Downs, Sept. 27th, Juno, Holton, from Singapore for Antwerp ; 30th, Seppings, Loader, from Ceylon. Off Kingsbridge, Sept. 30th, Maria, Wakefield, front the Mauritius. At Liverpool, Sept. 24th, Id, Hoodless, from Bengal. At Cork, Sept. 26th, John,. Davey, from the Cape. At the Mauritius, June 6th, Warblington, Crosby, from. London. At Bombay, May 10th, Othello, Thompson, from Liverpool ; and Clare- mont, Macaulay, from Clyde. At Bengal, May 2nd, Adalhlna, Murray, from Liver- pool. At Van Dieman's Land. May 14th, Arab, Ferrier, from London. At New South Wales, May 6th, Mermaid, Henniker; 12th, Nithsdale, Christian; and Caro- line, Howey ; and 16th, George Canning, Bulley, from London. At Halifax, Aug: 29, H.C. Extra Ship Asia, Agar, from China.

Sailed. From Gravesend, Sept. 27th, John, Nnsworthy ; and Sovereign, Macke!. lar, for Van Dieman's Land; 30th, Catharine, Fenn, for Calcutta. From Liver- pool, Sept. 29, Livingstone, Pearce, for Calcutta.

Spoken. Honourable Company's Ship Macqueen, from London to Bengal and China, 18th April, 11 south, 55 east. Resource, Smith, from London to N. S. Wales, 19th Aug., 10 north, 27 west. Portland. from Leith to Bengal, 20th June, 6 north, 20 west. Emma, from Hull to Mauritius. 25th August, 14 north, 26 west.