2 OCTOBER 1830, Page 12


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING,—The difficulties which lately involved the affaits of Belgium have been-so much increased by the late attack on Brus-

sels, and its subsequent defeat, that a speedy arrangement of them seems now be- come impossible ; and so many questions connected with the safety or tranquillity

of other countries may possibly follow, that the confidence which we spoke of as returning last week in this quarter is again dissipated, and gloom and apprehen- sion fast spreading among us. A contemporary some time ago derided the capitalist or stock-bolder as the must purblind, timid, and selfish of all animals ; and when talking of the French Funds, gravely inquired whether any body pretended to doubt of the solvency of the French Government or Nation. Now, although it might be replied, that the solvency of an individual or nation does not necessarily imply punctuality of payments, we will grant all that, and yet contend that there is another question equally germain to the matter, which our contemporary did not put, bus which every buyer or bolder of Stock ought to ;tut, and usually does put ; which is this—Shall the Stock which I now hold or buy at 1001. fetch me the same 100/. three Cr SIX months hence, when I shall require the money ? And here is the cause of the timidity which our contemporary sneered at, but which is perfectly rational at

well as national timidity.

The Cancel alark et opened this week at the closing price of Saturday, and even

went beyond it; having on Monday touched 851, and on Tuesday 881. On Wed- nesday, however, when the retreat of Prince Ferdinand from Brussels became known, the price fell to 8;1; gave way again, yesterday, to 862; and after some fluctuations, closed at 861 to a, the lowest price of the week, and indeed of the year. The Heavy Stocks (New per Cents) have fallen eighth for eighth with Consols ; and lead us naturally enough to lament for the unfortunatcsdissentients, who waited and did not wait—who refnsed to take the Stock which the Government offered them, and afterwards bought it at a premium, because they had not patience to act

upon their own principles.

Exchequer Bills, which were on Saturday last at 70s, were done to-day at 53s.; India Bonds, then 64s. fell to-day to 488. Every thing, in short, has fallen ; yet money is abundant as ever, and Stock for immediate transfer so scarce, that one could actually buy Stock to-day, not to be paid for until the 25th of November next, at the same price as for money down. That is a fact, from which one would be dis- posed to argue that prices must riso ; seeing that when a commodity is scarce one naturally looks for its becoming dearer ; but experience has shown this not only to be no tule in Stock affairs, but that such a state of things is snore frequently the

forerunner of a fall.

In the Foreign Market, every thing is flat, stale, anti unmarketable. Brnssel

Bonds, which were last week at 05, ruse on Monday to 71, upon news from Rio of the non-ratification of a contract made here some time ago for another loan: but they bare shwe partaken of the general fate, and returned to 68, or rather to 65i; for the price is quoted now without the dividend just paid. If the Emperor has refused Alr. Maberly's contract in the expectation of getting money on better terms else- where, he was very much in the right to do so : but we are afraid he reckoned with-

out his host.

The other South American Bonds are as heavy as can well be imagined, and for some of them hardly any Market. Colombian is about 19, and Peruvian 17; for Mexican alone the Market is good at about 36,. The Continental Securities are all fallen—Russian to 98; Danish to 64; and the French Funds, which last week were bought here at prices in advance of the Paris quotations, have been this week at rates considerably below the last Paris prices. Of Greek Stack we have scarcely beard a word lately. Spanish has been down to about 23, but is recovered to 24. Title plaguy revolutionary humour extends everywhere but where it is so much de- sired by the Cortes Bondholders.

The Share Market has not been materially affected by the state of Consols.

There has been a good deal doing in United Mexican, which have risen to 14. Im- perial Brazil Shares fell two days ago to 61, but are now worth 67.

SATIIRDAT, HALF-PAST TWELFE.—Consols opened at 87, and there was some appearance of a disposition to buy Stock, but the ;falls soon preponderated, and the price is now 861 to I.

In the Foreign Market every description of Stock is as heavy as lead.

3 per Cent. Cons. 87 861 Colombian ..... 181 19