A meeting of labourers was held at Clack, in Wiltshire,
on Monday last, to make known their distress. A working-man presided ; seven others and the wife of an eighth disclosed the most deplorable poverty— full wages at 7s. for the support of whole families !—and it was resolved to transmit a memorial to the Queen, stating the distress, and imploring her Majesty to urge, at the opening of her Parliament, the necessity of instituting immediately an inquiry into the state of the working-classes in the agricultural districts.
The late crop of potatoes in Ireland is found to exceed the produce of any year on record. The abundant growth of this vegetable has sur- passed all expectations ; and the:poor man's harvest, which is now but opening, exhibits in the smallest gardens an amazing quantity of this inestimable root. The size of the potato is what Dorninie Sampson would term "prodigious," many weighing three pounds to four pounds each.—Linierich Chronicle.