2 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 3

Zr: Dr ifirtropoIN.

C'oert of Common Cmmeil aczcceicil.clecl Oa Thursday. The attendance of members Nvas unusually nue:earls, and the Guildhall the scene of extraordinary bustle. The first business related to the designs for the Royal Exchange. Mn. Ehnes presented a memorial from Mr. Donaldson, one of the architects who sent in designs to the Committee-

" The meiwoial of Thonme Liverton Donald:on, of Ilea Street, Bloomsbury

Square, architect, showeth—That your memerielist 1lcther of No. 30, the firet of the three designs for the new Boyal Exeleme,, whirb, aecording to the report of Sir Hobert Smirke and Messrs. I lent:v;(07e and Gwilt, the three architects to whom the drawinee were referred, ie stated ha- them s to be the best class of designs, posse,sing, for magnificence nod beauty, great claims as works of art, exhibiting very great talent, and. distinguiehed by granml archi- tectural feat uses.'

"That meeeithetanding the prominent position in ‘51101 your memorialist LI thus placed. lie is deprived of his high advantage, awl the premiums have been adjudged to other designs which the refereLs acknowletd:e do not possess equal merits in point of design, upon the sole ground that the cost of the best class of designs would vastly exceed the smu of 1511.01N. " That the three architects did not call upon time authors of those designs to

substantiate time amount of' their estimates : is contrary to the implied mutual contract contained in the instrnetioos to rompetitor,, in which is the follot.ving—I lilt Otiose, viz. Tiet if rea 11cc ic I 1.011.1.ts t-heahl arise in the minds of the Committee as to the praetica'dlity of cc-ring into execution the successful design for the amount of the estimated expense of the building, this Committee sleet) he at liberty to call upoimile perry to cc vu eufficient and satin- factors- proof of the accuracy of the calculations and to withhold the premium and reject the desigo unles, such prwmf lcc, furnishe$I.' " Icor memorialist, theretbre, prays that he :my be allowed to produce proof lokre the j:Int Cemmittee for managine the Gresham estettes, that his design is in strict conformity with their printe:d. instruetiems, and cau be executed for the sutra of 150,0ow. a " THOMAS' L. DoseteosoN." Mr. Donaldson himself appeared at she bar, awl spoke briefly in sup- port of his claim.

31r. Barton disapproved of the conduct of the Committee, and said it useless to refer Mr. Domildson's memorial to them.

The Lord Mevor fully concurred with Mr. Burton— It appeared to him that the whole of the proceedings of the Committee with respect to the plans for Hie new Roval Exchange weru conducted with too much privacy ttnd secrecy. In fact, fie had beca refused admittance himself to view the design,.

Mr. JOneS, Chairman of the Committee, defended their proceedings.

Mr. Richard Taylor was certain that the Committee intended to act justly. He would support the petition, being convinceel that the COM• Mitt Q0 would pay attention to the evidence brought before them. A memorial similar to Mr. Donaldson's was presented from Mr. Moeatta.

Mr. Jones stated that two of the architects whom the Committee had conssulted agreed to propose a new design, but that Sir II. Smirke had declined to act.

Both memorials referred to the Committee.

A motion for the second reading- of the bill for re-firming the Repre- sentation of the \Vaal of Bridge was lost, on a division, by a majority of' 101 to 93.

The election of Commissioner of the City Police came next ; when Mr. Daniel Whittle I larvey was chosen unanimously. Mr. Charles Pearson was elected City Solicitor, by a majority of 129 to 101 over Mr. Saunders.

Mr. Brand was unanimously elected Comptr, Iler of the Bridgehouse Estates.