2 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 19



An Abstract of the Evidence taken before the Committee of the House of Lords upon the State of Crime in Ireland during the period from June 1833 to January. 1839. Digested under several heads, by DAVID LEAHY, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. [A, very condensed and business-like abstract, so far as it goes, of nearly 1,400 folio pages. The subjects are classed under their respective heads ; the position and calling of the different witnesses are given from their own accounts ; and a reference being made to the number of the questions, the reader who may feel inclined to pursue or test any particular evidence, has the clue placed in his hands.] Palmario; or the Merchant of Genoa. By the Author of " Tales by an Arctic Voyager," &e. In three vols. [The period of this novel is the twelfth century, when the feudal and mercan. tile powers were struggling, for the ascendancy in Italy. The subject would have been a good one for SCOTT, had his reading lain amongst the old Italian. historik,rs ; but the author before us is quite unequal to his theme. HsS work is neither fact nor fiction, but an odd compound between the two.] Local Legends and Rumbling Rhymes. By JOHN Drx, Author of the "Life of Chatterton," &c. With Illustrations by " A Pen." [These poem, Were originally published, as we learn from a sort of prefatory address, in the Bristol Mirror; and they now appear in a collected shape in con- sequellee oldie reputation they acquired. That they had a name in their district we !liaise 110 doubt, for the subjects relate to Bristol; and the author has fluency and humour, with a strong dash both of the wag and the punster. llis model in literature is Boon ; and he has chosen the same prototype in the art of publi- cation, his volume having a Comic Annual look, with punning plates after the manner of the great original.]

The Historical, 3Thral, and Weather Almunack, for 1810.

The Sinwting Airmailed:, for 1810.

Oliver anti Boyel's Threepenny Almanuch and Daily Remembrancer, for 18-10, being Leap-year.

[Of these Almanacks, the Sporting is the most distinguished as regards feature. Its calendar notes information essential, or facts curious to the sportsman; its plates illustrate incidents of hunting, shooting, fishing, &c., in a slight and sketchy, but graphic mummer; and its appendix contains a variety of papers or tables on subjects connected with field-sports. The Historical, Moral, and Weather Almanark differs from others chiefly lw devoting a portion of the calendar to guesses about the weather, and to brief political and ethical com- ments under each day of the year. Cheapness is the characteristic of the threepenny : such an immense mass of information was never before brought together for such a price.] Euclid's Elements of Plane Geometry; with Explanatory Appendix„ and Supplementary Propositions. Adapted for the use of Schools, or for Self-instruction. By W. D. COOLEY, A.B.

[A neat and cheap edition of thc universal introduction to mathematical study, divested of the diffusiveness with which the great Alexandrian clothed his expositions. Mr. Coonn has added an appendix of additional matter, to exer- cise the student, and prefixed a very sensible preface on the utility of the study, and the best mode of pursuing it.]

The Gwyneddion fin. 1832: containing the Prize Poems, 8ce. of the Beau- maris Eisteddfod and North Wales Literary Society. Edited by W. JONES, Esq. [This volume is somewhat late in its appearance, for it professes to give an ac- count of a meeting of some Welsh Society which took place seven years ago, for the purpose of awardingprizes. What the merit of the majority of the effusions may he, that the Society crowned svith laurel, or leeks, we cannot tell, for they were in Welsh ; but the se/deers of several are not over promis- ing-ea-two odes on the Wreck of the Rothsay Castle; two poems on David Playing the Harp before Saul : an ode on EVERS Mos•rvu, Esq., attaining his majority ; and an Elegy on the Death of the late lamented Reverend Jon!: JENKINS. The only composition of apparent practical utility, is an Essay out Agricultere : the only paper in English is a long and minute account of the Island of Anglesey.] The Works of Mi.s. llivans ; with a Memoir of her Life, by her Sister. In seven vols. Vol. VI.

[It has been found in:passible to compress the poetry of Mrs. IIEstaNs into six volumes, as originally intended, and an additional volume will have to appear. The present contains the Songs of the Affections, National Lyrics, and a number of Miscellaneous Poems.]

S'enneey name By Cumin: SOUTHEY, Authoress of " Ellen Fitz- erthur," " The Widow's Tale," &R. Second edition.

[A new edition of a very pleasing little collection of pruse and poetry, which whilom appeared under a maiden name.]

The Child's Rook if Zoohvy; or Gleanings from Natural History. By JAMES H. FENNELL.

[A mere collection of facts and anecdotes, told in a manner which ought to be attractive to children, thr it is somewhat puerile. It is a pretty-looking book, and the plates and appearance together may stimulate a little reader.]

The Conditions and Capabilities of Van Diemen's Land as a Place et' Emigration : being the practical experience of nearly ten years' resi- dence in the e donsa By Jolter DIXON.

_History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. By S. A. DUNHAM, Author of" The History of Spain and Portugal." Vol. II. (Lardner's Cabinet Cycloptedia, No. 118.) 21.1emoirs if the LUZ: of' Sir Walter Scott. Volume the eighth. Second edition.

Rory ; a National Romance. By SA3IVEL LOVER. Revised and corrected by the Author. (Standard Novels, No. 76.) • The Sea-Captain ; or the Birthriyht a Drains, in five acts. By the Author of •• The Lady of Lyons," "Richelieu," fee, The British Short-hand ; combining eimplicity, brevity, and perspicuity. By which any person may teach himself the useful art of short-hand- writing, in an incredibly short space of time, withont the aid of a master; and will enable him, with a little practice, to follow a speaker through all the labyrinths of a learned discourse.

A Catechism el the Natural History of Man : containing an account of the peculiar character of the human species ; their progrcsa and deve- lopment ; and a sketch of the different varieties of mankind, with the causes of their distinctions. Illustrated by nine engravings. By JAMES nem. (Oliver and Boyd's Catechisms of Elementary Knowledge.)


The 1?,rolitGi,e of Europe : being au Historical View of the European Nations, from the Subversion of' the Roman Empire in the West to the Abdication of Napoleon. By ConisToritrat N. Root, formerly Profes- sor of Public Jurisprudence at Strasburg. Translated from the French, by ANDREW CRICHTON. Second edition. (Popular Library of Mo- dern Authors. Copyright Editions.) Essays Miral and Humorous, also Essays on Imagination and Task. By JosEru ADDISON. With a Memoir of the Author and his Writings.. cteople's Edition.) [This is the boldest speculation the Messrs. CHAMBERS have started; but as few men are so well acquainted with the popular taste, we imagine that the people can still relish the humour, subservient to the advancement of good manners and good morals, which distinguishes the celebrated Essays of Aunt- SON. Looking into them after an interrupted acquaintance of some years. we suspect that the modern judgment, which has doomed them to neglect as com• monplace and obsolete in matter and feeble in style is wrong upon both counts. It may be questionable whether the broad, style, and so-called vigorous manner of the present century, contains so much sound sense, so Actively expressed, as the essays before us, especially to those whom the style of the day has not corrupted. Whatever may be the profit of the adven- ture, the public gratitude is due to the booksellers who have presented it with the cream of AnotsoN's prose at so trifling a cost, and removed what perhaps Was one great obstacle to its popular perusal, the nteessity of hunting it out from the volumes of the British Essayists.] Gilbert's 316dern Atlas of the Earth. With Descriptive Letterpress by HENnv INcE, M.A. Part I.

The Rector's Progress. By CEEnices. With Illustrations by Pim No 1.

The Pictorial History of England. Part XXXIII.

Life of Field-Marshal the Dab of Wellington. By Major BAsta JACK- SON, and Captain C. Romeo's's. Scorn Part VII.

Thomas's Lift of Napoleon. Part VI.

Repton's Landscape Gardening, and Landscape Architecture. No. V. Eneyelopredia of Rural Sports. By D. P. BLAINE. Part II.

The Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A New Translation, by EDWARD WILLIAM LANE. Part XVIII.

The Pictorial Edition of Shakspere. Part XIII.—" A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Paid Periwinkle. No. VI.

Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. No, IX.


A Letter to the Lord Chancellor, on the Claims of the Church of Scotland in regard to its Jurisdiction and on the proposed Changes in its Polity. By JOHN HorE, Esq., Dean of Faculty. Second edition. Fallacies of the Faculty : being the Spirit of the Chroro-Thermal system. In a Series of Lectures, by SAMUEL DICKSON, M.D., formerly a Medi- cal Officer of the Staff.