2 MAY 1891, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR O' TER " SPECTATOR:I Sut,—Referring to your article upon "Lay Help," in the Speetator of April 25th, may I be peruaitted to say that laymen have been commissioned as readers in this diocese at stated intervals during the past twenty years, for the purpose of conducting services and giving addresses in mission-rooms or similar buildings, at the request of the clergy P The new departure to which the Bishop of London referred in his address to the Diocesan Conference last week, consists in this,—that, under certain conditions, laymen are now being authorised by the Bishop to conduct, as diocesan readers, such extra services in consecrated buildings as the incumbent may wish and as the Bishop may approve, which, of course, includes the delivery of addresses on such occasions.—I am, Sir, &c., EVERARD A. FORD. 2 Eldon Road, Hampstead, N. W., April 29th.