2 MAY 1840, Page 12


Tosme wss in the Operehouse on Thursday evening:, in

consequence 1' !:.• -t tent of 'Nenrill Ni this season. His not appearin:;• on the t.; era hoards. though r,e•dding in London, has excited a goad .leal ot snrpri:e and discontent ; symptoms of which have been ooparent opera-night since the theatre opened after the holy days. Oa Thurslay. a letter from To.n ova is i pea red in the movring excith.atin himself from the charge that he had

denataded ex, :.11,1 accusing I....i•on-ro unh,lndome egioluet. It ; ;1a.t no•lolls toro, when lart.AITE was in ' •es,..,.; ono t,-, eellelade the usual arrange-

reel l...,ron-rn had replied by 111:-11;;;S1'al:lish AL) intimating readi- .ce which time, however, TANta-•

• ,liatever frem L.Nrourn on the sub- 1,•-oduced an explosion. On Thursday

• every part. to hear the Parintni, and to . .ITO, a Neapolitan dancer of celebrity. : and, indeed, was received with the 1, who has been substituted for TAM- share,—an indication, no doubt, on :s. that there was no personal feeling When the opera was over cries began •• Tamburini: " which went on in- of the house, till they swelled into :;.;t11 appeared, seeming in great con- ...Au speech, in which he talked about -: Ito talent Vorc Eat;'. The instant En,ter is over !" There was no ee.e, Easter ; and Laromuu went on gnents " but the tempest of groans, .o..z inaudible. He tried to enter into a

, " omnibus" box near the stage. : but, being tom ble to make any general audience, endeavouring to ,ted foolish expressions about his not ..enents, and being determined not to '.• things worse, and produced roars of

• :..11.terd to rage for nearly a couple of' the field, and being as often coin- I.. ding all the while on the stage LAP,AtTE at length yielded so er, and about proposing terms to was called out front the omnibus- eiy disappeared. The scene was eon- ,...•l other i;ersons in the adjoining boxies, tg• their hats as a token of victory. The 1 v.g:,n to be extinguished. ;,;:d the an- ; and poor Mademoiselle Cm:- a•d to death at this unexpected ren-

,,. leshelf safe on the sunny side of Ivo:a: a very ne,-„s :••,


...lee:. i.e a:T.•;...;1:•, eve,:l:-.g '• „, see thee •' The ,p.1•,, • • usual al glaa EL-1:1::f„

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sterese . not answe;tote, ne.c.•a e .

who : thinr, ut

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at, ;

e we thini:, f'er LAPORTE to clear himself of the

es ,e1 TA NM unhandsomely and unfbirly. lie : o•;!.it ,•y 1•y to have either entered into a thnely

v glogust on the same looting ;is in

itt ••,c 6;d he should not.

cc- cc. calculated to eGriVey the ho- AI '11. IV{:S atelerstood as a eXprleil; :HA his then ..: cc Ink' TA3lerRINI, was (-;iippcsing H) a pI re if doplicity of a very l•lset vets to keep TAnniotie, in r ! .r!11- in his place. eles;r:, (.1-1 eonipto etively low terms: be . and it is a pity that he SliOttld ; but there is )et a great tlistance

I : LA morn:, eijoy ine, as he does, the theeese is bound to feruish the very highest


t.. •: Lux : • ccl ‘.. eurP,..:., C. -,, dier.ce ct:-:-!, '11 y •••■,. E.',

counter tvitila toe- 11,11, aral • the Channel.

It wilt 're, Charge et cc-ac:

renes. a:

his I. prs ' t '.• : [:. ir, the P. 1 ..wl ether papers this

rnOrt,i..y. Tie• ' . ,' I I : ningly ; but, from big OW ri ateonnt,

it appear 1 tk t. i O. '.-'r. , , d. I .'. All:,..MNI. Ile %mak up, hol‘ l %Tr, by A I'd AU:: I i, (;i1,1- to , ,..,.:,,e,..-., tom per,:.er si :;:;/. )cr 1/1011111, being the same v■Ilry 1,-: gay,: him in I "..Y..5—ti,i,t i: to Say, ;,::,r, 1:,,mimgise5 Eq1:-.1i rtlat- t!,':•,::

the ralog:t this evening,

.1 'ON Out. 1-1fAlling Worthy of whiell has ta.en eveoy cc-c' hear of as forth- :. PIIRSIANI, (tile illiSbarld of our

I; not He. I the only owning, is f,

favourite singer,) which was very coldly received when produced It season in Paris.