On the 211111 alt., at Tablay rouse, Chealtiz the Rig' t lion. Ludy me TADLEY, of a son alba heir.
On the 22d ult., at Nt rton Cooyers, Yorkshire, Lady GRAHAM, of a son.
In Bryaustou Square. the huh, Mrs.T turraER, of itallindean, of a daughter.
On the 18th ult., at Cromer, in Norfolk, the Lady of Lieut. Wisrultuox„ R.N., of a Altughter.
On the 25th ult.. in Sackville Sheet, the Lady of HENRY Fox Tanaor, Esq., of Laccoek Abbey, Wilt., of a daughter.
On the 25th ult., in Ilatley Street, Cavendish Square, the Countess of K. early, of a Adaughter.
On the 25th ult., at Narfurd hull. in the county of Norfolk, Mrs. WILLIAM DANIEL TYISEN. of a son.
On the 28th ult., at Charlton, the Lady of Major Goite Baowatz, Royal Artillery, of aeon.
On the 28th tilt., at Christ Church, Marylebone, the Bev. SANDERSON RDIIINS, M.A., CAROLINE GERTRUDE, youngest daughter of the late Mr. mid Lady Caroline Barham. At Jersey, C. G. Miasma.. Esq , of Aberystwyth, to Ent.t.N LOUISA. dauglitet (Stile late Major Edward Browne, of the Ilon. East India Company. On the 28th ult., at St. George's, Hanover Siptare. COIOnel EDWARD Mammy?, rupee T etc, of lierkeley Square, to CAROLINE MOWDEAY, third daughter tf the late iBeorge Smith, Esq. On the 28th tat., at St. Margaret's. Westminster, CIIARLES MILLAR n. Esq., of Alike; on Street. to JANE, the second danghter of Thomas Amyot, Esq., of James Street. Thtekingha m Gate. Ott the 19th ult., at Ilintree, Mr. Goyim. to Mrs. ALICE DACE, both of the Mine place. Their united ages amount to 118 years.
At Kirby Mallory, JOHN RUSSELL EMI., third son of Lord William It assell, in hi, 39th year. On the 24th ult., EDMUND YATES, Esq.. of Fairlawn, Kent, and lure. Cheshire, in his 65th year. On the 12th December, 1834, on board the Exmouth, on his passage from Calcutta to the Cape of Good Hope, for the recovery of his health, IIENRY MILLETT, ESII , of the Bengal Civil Serrica. On the 22d ult., at Brighton. Cuotrawre, relict of John Scott, Esq.. who was killed In the action of 'Frafalgar. 21st of October 1805, at the side of Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, to shout he nitS Secretary. Out the 211 ult., at Ilyile House, Edmonton. Mrs. SLATES, in her 1024 year.
At the request of numerous Subscribers, who wished to bind their last year's Volume, we have availed ourselves of the Parliamentary recess to publish the INDEX for 1834 ; which the pressure of business, and the want of room, since the beginning of the present year, had hitherto postponed. The Titlepage and Index stand distinct by themselves in the centre of the sheet. A number of Advertisements Lave been uecessarily excluded by this arrangemet.t.