Sir: As a 45-year-old purchasing executive in my fifth month
of unemployment, I can identify strongly with the frustration ex- pressed by Jeremy Putley.
Ageism, however, is not the only form of discrimination which can beset those seek- ing employment.
Having persuaded a prospective em- ployer — a brewer — that my qualifica- tions and experience were relevant to their requirements, and that I was not suffering from creeping senility, I was invited to attend an interview. All appeared to be going splendidly; contracts were discussed seriously; a secretary brought coffee; I felt confident. I took out my cigarettes. Bran- dishing a sub-machinegun could not have produced a more dramatic effect.
`You can't smoke here!' gasped the apoplectic youngster who was interviewing me. 'You can't smoke anywhere, except in the restaurant.' I gathered my papers together and left.
William Climpson
81 Pasture Road, North Wembley, Middlesex