2 MARCH 1929, Page 1

News of the Week

THE decision of the General Council of the Trades Union Congress on Tuesday to accept the invita- tion of the employers' organizations to meet them in a conference may be a landmark in the history of British industry. We heartily congratulate the General Council on its good sense: We do this, it is true, with slight mis- giVing, because Unionist praise is not always acceptable in Labour quarters. We are sincere, however, in believing that the General Council has taken a very wise step in its own interest: • A contrary decision, indeed, would have been disastrous. We were quite as much disap- pointed by the employers' rejection of the lgelchett-Turaer Report as the General Canned itself eoilld have been, !Mt we see that ,to- have broken off negotiations merely because peace was•net-obtained at out: stroke Would have been so gross a tactical error that it would have been exceedingly difficult to remedy 'it. • '