Stratbcona'a Home left Liverpool last Saturday. At the public luncheon
in St. George's Hall, Colonel Steele, in responding to the toast of his health, said they had simply done their duty as a part and parcel of the great British Empire, and as members of the great family of nations com- posing it. "If the necessity arose, if there was a sign of danger again, they could send one hundred thousand men to our assistance better than themselves." He also added that they had met with the greatest consideration from all the British officers. The regiment subsequently marched through the principal streets amid scenes of great enthusiasm, paid a formal visit to the Lord Mayor at the Town Hall, where "the Flags" were crammed with cheering crowds, and embarked on the Numidian,' sailing shortly before nightfall. We are convinced that the hundred thousand men from Canada was no empty boast, and that we should in time of real p vii to the homeland get an equally good hundred thousand from Australasia.