There was a great debate on Monday over the business
of the House, and final conclusion was postponed ; but Mr. Lowe carried his resolution that on going into Committee of Supply on Mondays the House should begin work at once, and not be stopped by any motion any independent member likes to bring forward. This is probably an improvement in the transaction of business, though these miscellaneous motions are often interesting, but we believe that the change re-
quired is of a much more radical character. Why in the world should unopposed estimates not be laid on the table like bye-laws passed by the Privy Council, and talk be confined to those which are objected to ? We shall have to extend that sys- tem yet in several departments. At this very moment we cannot get a Merchant Shipping Code or a. Sanitary Code, just because the consolidated statute in each case contains so many clauses that the House could not pass them, if it did nothing else. Why should they not pass themselves, the House on the demand of tea Members debating anything it thinks objectionable ?