Intervention in Spain The Italian Legionaries in Spain under the
command of General Gambara sailed for Italy on Wednesday; in contra- vention of the Anglo-Italian Agreement they left their aeroplanes behind them. On the same day the German Kondor Legion arrived in Hamburg, and the German Press is proudly proclaiming Germany's services in the cause of General Franco. Intervention began immediately after the outbreak of the war in July, 1936, when " volunteers " sailed for Spain and aeroplanes were sent to assist in the transport of Moorish troops from Morocco. In August and Septem- ber reinforcements, particularly aeroplanes and tanks, were sent ; and in September the Kondor Legion was formed, a miniature air force complete with battle-planes, reconnais- sance machines, anti-aircraft and signals detachments, and an air-park. Even more valuable perhaps was the stream of technicians, specialists and instructors sent to Spain to take part in the training of General Franco's army. These facts have puzzled the German public, which remembers its Government's violent denunciation of foreign " lies " about German intervention in Spain, and the law passed prohibit- ing participation in the war. They will surprise no one else, but may perhaps embarrass the ghost of the defunct Non- Intervention Committee and the British Government itself, which so assiduously minimised intervention in the Spanish War.
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