2 JUNE 1855, Page 8

The Adelphi, which had for some time relied on the

attractions of Mr. Wright—a visitor where he was once a settler—received its lawful sove- reigns on Monday last ; and they wete heartily welcomed on their return from the distant region of Pentonville. Mr. Keeley, who had even yen-

tured on a foreign tour, (report hint/ iitTraly !) reappeared at the same time; and Janet Pride thus shone forth with all its pristine glory. While Madame Celeste and Mr. B. Webster come from f3adler's Wells to the Adelphi, Mr. Wright goes from the Adelphi to Sadler's Wells,—now go- verned by a younger member of the Webster family, who has opened the theatre during the summer recess, and has succeeded in entertaining the. Ialingtonians with an "illegitimate" repast