The following is said to be an abstract of the
numercial strength of the Russian navy in the year 1858—The total of all rates amounts to 162 vessels, of which 71 steamers and 25 sailing vessels are stationed in the Baltic, 3 steamers and 3 sailing vessels in the White Sea, 21 steamers and 12 sailing vessels in the Black Sea, and 12 steamers and 5 sailing vessels in the Caspian. As to the details of the Baltic navy, it is composed of 7 liners, 5 frigates, 8 steam frigates, 9 corvettes, 6 clippers, 2 brigs, 5 schooners, 9 yachts, 6 transports, 18 small steamers, and 15 screw gunboats. Besides these, there were 174 smaller craft in the Baltic, consisting partly of float- ing batteries and partly of gunboats. The Black Sea navy numbers 2 liners, 6 corvettes, 12 schooners, 2 yachts, 5 transports, and 6 small steamers. The whole navy comprises 19,658 men, commanded by 1348 officers.