2 JULY 1836, Page 10


"Justice-Justice for Ireland."

There is an old proverb which sat's, •• tine Net is worth a ship-load of arguments.' I will ;tit e y,.0 the rail or value. It is re: oall ease. I hate a re.iaeuee in Ireland-nit is iu a parish railed K ileroliane, in the county of Kerry. The l :wish is hi length about seventeen miles, the breiulth Isom three to tour. Tic present population is 10.151. tI est. there are Catholics, 9,990; Protestants, WI. Of tts PO three are 57 consisting of -coast guards" and polkas, with their I:Amities. These pelsous are not. properly speaking palishioners. They are em- ployed in the publie •er‘iee. removable at pleasure, and always rely:mei, at stated pe- a iists: ill short. stiangers, being in the paish only tot a pail:cola purpose and fur a

limit-a mime.

Tin• Vat ishionet,, therefore. are rally 77.

Tut terkun Ili,. all. and the case stands thus: Cat holies

9 990

Protestants 1(14 The Hector of t paikh is the Reverend Mr. lamglichl. Ile has been Reeler fur the last wit or twelve yeals : I tolieve he has not been c many Ilay s in the parish. I never nano him I and the may service he ever did ter, sins lea% ing his usual residence at Math or ( and coming to an election to Kerry Wr the putpose of soling against ine —that is all. Ills composition for tithes out of the parish amounts to 5001. per Ironton, or there- abouts. Ile lets also three or Wm glebes. There are two parishes according to the Catholic uaisiou. Wc, the eatlialie:‘, cheerfully support the Catholic clergymen of both. rh, ease. then. is this. I, as a ratholie. Wive to support my own clergymen. to WOW toy eon church, aiol keep it in repair. The parish is(nor. alla the pcincipal burden oi nil these nil:. en me; awl him the !leverets' Mr Longlield insists that, in :id- iiition. I shall lay hail 5el. a year fir tithes; and bee ruse I deem Iii.ilemand, :IN it tra- tufe,t I!. is. mo-t uujost and iiiirrasonable, lie caoScS a bill to be filed against me in the Comm of Es,linifiler• ha ids we over to a vnrarions attorney to tnttlet Me in heavy costs. nn ninth. trbs file that the religou %O dell stimulates him to and sanctions this 200,3 :iii pa:p11.1, iiiiiist ice. is bet ter than my religion. I MI not 1.e;ie,e a, elierisbaren, I do nut rietieve it ! I think my religion better than his; :col thero:oir I ileaer o ill ',ay him one shilling-tun rut one farthing. Ile and his attorney in wiz,. Toy rattle. my coin. III!, furniture; they may distrait my tenants; the, Inc!. sell rarry acia, 4n. destroy- I never will pay one penny. It Is an unjust demand. I will no; pc... I will not resist the law, bee:Oise, like so many other 111011^ sou: iuiynitio;, Here is law use this also; but I repeal. I never nal pay him one stilling- h. tom, or to his use, nut One berthing. Conic Si hat come may, 1 never will par Wm one single fartlii ii g. Phis is my state:viral of fact. Here we are. in round numbers, ten thousand Callao- lies.ealled Open by use religious piiiwiples to support our own elergynien- called upon lo law to suppoit the clerg■ w.3t1 or, say two hundred Proleslauts, %%birth clergyman goes ,•n- Irian theta altogether, and leaves lineal to it curate at 701. a year badly paid. isrl.is jnstiCe ? is tins honesty-? I ask evel v right-thinking ElleliS11111.111 to make it his uon case. I address earl' Englishman individually ; 1 say to him- - Sir, sums se in your parish the ease 10 be this : th.tt there are ten thousand Pro- testants of %%limn you are one; that there are also two hundred Catholics, with whom, of sour-e, you have ino community of religion. There is a priest apponited by or fur these Catholics—the Protestants are called on, you arc called on, to give that priest glebes a. d all your tithes. w ha souk! be your answer? I will tell you. rdenial- a relusal. The terms of that refits:II mute harsh probably titan neccsomy to ex' r ss; but it would b' the refusal of honest indignation," lief me add. hoarse r, that is the ease of the t'atItolie there is a feature of greater strength and mote clboinetness. It is this : these tithes were iti.tit Med. these glebes were set not by I'ld.estauts for Protestant worship. but by Catholics ht Catholic warship. They %cols 01115; we assigned them for our pipets; -tho purposes of the ten thonsaial. The force of taw. or lather the law of force. has unjustly torn them feint the Catholics, %chose properly they mew, and given them to the t,,o hundred Pfc., test mt.. Si hose property they are riot. 'I ake, them this gigantie injustice tio you find it -this multitudinous injustice-and tell me. Englishmen! 'tritons! me suet stupid:tat that Itelaud is nut lmnyuil. whilst this gr. ss. lotto-boos injtt -dice in,•valls i -au injustiee the more insufferable because it is sustained by cant and hypocrisy in the name of religion. Englisliterti! ‘,0a1,1 you bear with patience a Simi at- injustice. if Mt case were yours: I tell qua what. the Seotellinen ilia not bear it : they turned tint on the moun- tain's side, awl clever allowed the sword to rust in the scabbard until they banished this iniquity five, Scotland, and until tiny succeeded it directing the pay intuits triad,• by the paoph• into the hands of the clergy who ill1111illin land to rho ep ittual scats of that people. Welt, the Ili-11 are it present more moderate-1ess would now content us : we desire to have tithes totally abolished; or if any part remains to be tested, that it shall be 2104,1 to the purposes of gis mine:ohm to all classes of the 'amide. We do not at pri,r1:t dktc:ul 1110 "Z1.-11-, for the rust letwe el' the pastor; at ham the people prefer. 'tut I candidly acknowledg that. :IS the contest continues and grows wartner-- as :he l'oectstittit clergy id• Mt!) thoniselves with the wholesale slaughterers iu the held. awl shit Ilse more set:Mita!, and exasperating c i llany of the Exelietiner altornies -as Lir, ideas they excite are of tle linth0nrnrtcs It'll with the bluest of the S011, of widows. or of the odious Exellentier tete:lions eininexion milli religious institittions is forg,,, ten ; and It jolt Jugge:wint of plunder and massacre stands mominent. as de- manding tht.se s-tet likes which we formally thought nen• only made to a mere slitter- (Mee ill religion. 'Ilie time is• from these causes. last tiri•ing when It eittnitioalise mill be ; nod iirIo 1V:I., Min 11111,0 tIVInn;;■:1110111 1% ill hive to blame thani.id‘cs 15 heti a similar arrangement shall be rejacted indignabtly nail totecniptamisly by the People of Ireland. Englishman ! I volt upon 1011. hilt' (1101.1' is time and opportanity, to rouse your- selves to obtain j.istie.• to II •1.1101: (In MO11.111): day 101111- w1:1 publi•heil. the Lords will consume-be another measure of Mit.stiee and iWcitiity. Foolish and dishonest men will stand between Ireland and liar rights, mid. hi the

s,: mi-

te id their y, forget tho near preeipice down whielt the alok...ixt ilabgnation of millitols or Britons must infallibly and speedily hurl then. y next letter mill be addressed to the l'eoplo of !tam 1-to the slitowil, sensilde, genclous, and brace halite of Ireland. I no. 11,01'1010 1.. 11011 In(111.1.1'S and rit• 1111:11, ; 1114.:Inst• gout WWI it:11V lakt leeeittly I eau• wee tart' oasis shall they be, in opard y, that you may not reekon on the ready, actica, awl zattlens cooperation in e.ttst. cause tit your Irish fent w emnereinen. ve the honour to i.e,tc.thra -.■