SIR RICHARD VYVYAN:" The ex-member," says the West Briton,- " has
gone to town; it is now understood that he does not come in for Newport, but that he will be returned for a borough in a distant county." We have not heard where he is to come in for ; Reigate is the only vacancy save Newport.
LORD MILTON.—At a meeting held in the Town-hall, Sheffield, on Monday, the Master Cutler in the chair, it was resolved to present a testimonial of public respect to Lord Milton, for his virtues and services. —Leeds Mercury.
LORD LOWTHER:ThiS noble Lord will, it is said, be returned for Appleby, in the room of Lord Maitland, who will accept the Chiltern.. Hundreds.—Carlisle Journal.
MANCHESTER REPRESENTATION.—A requisition is intended to be pre- sented to Mark Philips, Esq., of the Park, for the purpose of obtaining his consent to be put in nomination as a candidate for the representa- tion of this town in Parliament, if the Reform Bill should pass into a law—Manchester Guardian. [Why that foolish if? We shall have light to-morrow, lithe sun rise.]