2 JANUARY 1959, Page 38

SPECTATOR CROSSWORD No. 1,025 Solution on January 16

ACROSS 1 Herrick urged that they should be gathered while the going was good (8) 5 Six by nine-and-a-half inches (6) 9 Do they sparkle on the Seven Sisters Road? (8) 10 'Neither will it be that a overlaid with taxes should ever become valiant' (Bacon) (6) 12 Knits in back stitch? (5)

13 Account for table-silver maybe (9)

14 Pedestrian kind of vehicle (12) 18 Amusing people (12) 21 Remember to get a second con- tribution (9) 23 She needs a pound to be well- balanced (5) 24 Professing ignorance of metals perhaps? (6) 25 Does the Arab thus survey his encampment or what's in it? (8) 26 Coleridge's concomitant of being wiser (6) 27 Climber in the printing works? (8) DOWN 1 Serenity that stamps the caste of Vere de Vere (6) 2 Cenci's dramatic reappearance (6)

3 In a small way, he goes ahead of the Guards (5, 4)

4 Fashion takes a walk (5, 7) 6 Lance in aseptic fashion (5)

7 A soft nib's indicated (8) 8 Rod broken round a confused lover by a superior (8) 11 Cosy wear for side-car enthu- siasts (12) 15 It enables the holder to take the long view (9)

A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of hook token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Jan. 13. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1.025, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

16 They are all buttoned up, some- times majestically! (8)

17 Cuts up over a mixed educational code (8) 19 The bird with a penny had a good look (6).

20 Puss gets a rifle, we hear (6) 22 I'm in the tradition (5)