2 JANUARY 1841, Page 11



The Paris papers of Thursday are chiefly occupied with the report of the budget of the Minister of Finance, the substance of which was yes- terday communicated by the correspondents of the London journals. The extraordinary expenses of the year are estimated to exceed 52,640,000/. sterling ; the gross income is 46,480,000!.; the deficiency, 6,160,000/. The Paris papers make few comments on this state of financial matters.

M. Humann, in concluding his speech, thus referred to the pacific intentions of the Cabinet-

" The financial system of a government ought to be the faithful expression of its political system. The budget which we havepresented has been conceived In the spirit of the mandate of peace and conservatism, which we accepted when land my colleagues undertook the burden of public affairs. We should have *fused this mandate, gentlemen, if we had not a strong conviction that the good understanding with the Great Powers of Europe might be confirmed and main- tained on honourable and safe conditions for our country. If our confidence be not deceived, a short time and few efforts will suffice to establish a durable equilibrium in our budgets, and to restore the prosperity of our finances. This, gentlemen, is necessary, in order that France may be placed in a state to maintain her elevated rank among nations."

General Bugeand has been appointed Governor-General of Algeria vice Marshal Vallee.

A person named Borel has been arrested in Switzerland, charged with being an accessory to the attempt by Darmes on the life of Louis Philippe on the 15th October last.

The Russian note still occupies the press. Much emphasis is laid, not on its being the first communication of the kind since 1830 made to the Government, but on its being the first communication from the Cabinet of St. Petersburg, ordered to be read to the King of the French.

Some uneasiness is said, in our private letters, to exist in Paris on the subject of another "Death to the English and death to Guizot" demon- stration of the students, on Sunday the 3d; when those creditable youths, "the elite of the most civilized nation on earth," propose re- pairing in full force to repeat their condolences to the Abbe de La- mermais, on his conviction for sedition. The Government was, however, aware of the intention; and, taking into consideration the possibility that the working-classes might to a certain extent concur in the de- monstration, had made adequate preparations for insuring the main- tenance of the public peace.—Times, Jan. 2.