2 FEBRUARY 1884, Page 3

The "Memoirs" of Heine, written by himself, are, it is

said, about to be published in "The Gartenlaube," though doubts have been cast by some on the authenticity of the autobiographical MS. As a kind of foretaste, we suppose, of the character of the autobiographical reminiscences, Madame Camille Selden has j mat published her account of Heine's "mattress grave" and death, in which she declares that, being unable to visit him u she had intended on the day of his death, she became suddenly conscious of his presence with her, and saw what she seems to have regarded as his spirit escaping from her room in the form of an enormous black insect. If his most intimate friends had such thoughts as these of Heine, how will the great but bitter and sinister poet describe himself ?