The Sunday night religious broadcasts have always occasioned a good
deal of acrimonious criticism. Prejudice apart, however, it must be admitted that the broadcast sermons are not among the most interesting events of the week. This mav be due, in part, to the almost invariable adoption of they" clerical voice," the effect of which, issuing from so depersonalizing a thing as the loud-speaker, is to rob the sermon of any great power of appeal. The mere fact that the sermon is being broadcast, also, seems to compel the preacher to hide his real intent behind a veil of platitudes. However, the B.B.C. expresses itself aware of the justness of this criticism and announces that at the New Year it will launch an experiment to overcome it. A series of twenty- four lectures," by distinguished theologians, philosophers, and scientists, is to take the place of the present scheme of things. The general title of the series is " God and the World through Christian Eyes," and the first group of the lectures will be led by the two Archbishops on January 1st and 15th.